1992: UFO Blacks Out Police Cruiser in Florida

1992: UFO Blacks Out Police Cruiser in Florida
Posted On: August 4, 2022

The year is 1992. The place, Haines City, Florida. A police officer has a close encounter with a UFO.

On March 20th, 1992, at about 03:50 hours, Luis Delgado, a 28 year old patrolman for the Haines City, Florida, police department was conducting his usual patrols around a location that contained several businesses in Haines City near Orlando, Florida.

As he was driving his patrol vehicle slowly around the site, he noticed a "green light" behind him. The light appeared in his rear-view mirror. However, by the time he had come to his senses the entire inside of the vehicle was awash in a strange "green glow". It was at this stage that he could see a vehicle above and slightly behind him, seemingly pursuing him intentionally.

Using the radio system in the vehicle, he contacted a local police dispatch switchboard and asked for back-up to be sent.

Then, the next thing he knew, the strange object was in front of him. This would cause him to swing his vehicle to one side so as to avoid a collision. At the same time, the headlights, engine, and the radio system all went completely dead.

He would take in as much detail as he could of the craft, recalling how it glowed the strange green color that had permeated his car, and even stranger, this color seemed to "flow over the surface". This would possibly suggest some kind of "energy field" around the craft's exterior. He would further recall it was approximately 15 feet long with a raised middle section around 3 feet high, with the object itself being around 10 feet from the ground.

It was as he was staring at the strange craft that a piercing white light shot from it and straight inside the car. In response, Delgado exited the vehicle immediately.

As he left the car he reached for his walkie-talkie so as to contact the police switchboard. However, try as he might, the device was also dead. He noticed that despite the warm evening (weather records show it was indeed 60 degrees Fahrenheit in Florida at the time) there was a distinct and sudden chill to the air.

He stared up at the object once more, just in time to see it speed off into the distance, disappearing from view within a couple of seconds.

When the back-up unit arrived several moments later, Delgado was sat in his car with the passenger door wide open. He was in an obvious state of shock. He would, however, recover shortly after and regain his sense. Upon doing so he would file an official report. What's more, the incident is backed up by recordings from Delgado to the police switchboard.

The car, incidentally, would return to normal working order a short time later. Furthermore, Delgado appeared to suffer no long term health problems.

What is perhaps most disturbing, however, is that the Delgado case is far from a unique incident. There are, for example, several details to note about the Delgado incident of 1992. Many of which surface in other such close encounters where the witness, usually viewing the UFO from the moving vehicle, experience such similar problems as engine or headlight failure. Indeed, we have examined multiple incidents where this is the case. While much less prevalent, there are still numerous cases where the witness recalls the strange, cold atmosphere.

Source: ufoinsight.com

My Take: I think these cases where electronic and mechanical equipment fail during the encounter, should be taken very seriously. What do you think?

1992: UFO Blacks Out Police Cruiser in Florida
Posted On: August 4, 2022

The year is 1992. The place, Haines City, Florida. A police officer has a close encounter with a UFO.

On March 20th, 1992, at about 03:50 hours, Luis Delgado, a 28 year old patrolman for the Haines City, Florida, police department was conducting his usual patrols around a location that contained several businesses in Haines City near Orlando, Florida.

As he was driving his patrol vehicle slowly around the site, he noticed a "green light" behind him. The light appeared in his rear-view mirror. However, by the time he had come to his senses the entire inside of the vehicle was awash in a strange "green glow". It was at this stage that he could see a vehicle above and slightly behind him, seemingly pursuing him intentionally.

Using the radio system in the vehicle, he contacted a local police dispatch switchboard and asked for back-up to be sent.

Then, the next thing he knew, the strange object was in front of him. This would cause him to swing his vehicle to one side so as to avoid a collision. At the same time, the headlights, engine, and the radio system all went completely dead.

He would take in as much detail as he could of the craft, recalling how it glowed the strange green color that had permeated his car, and even stranger, this color seemed to "flow over the surface". This would possibly suggest some kind of "energy field" around the craft's exterior. He would further recall it was approximately 15 feet long with a raised middle section around 3 feet high, with the object itself being around 10 feet from the ground.

It was as he was staring at the strange craft that a piercing white light shot from it and straight inside the car. In response, Delgado exited the vehicle immediately.

As he left the car he reached for his walkie-talkie so as to contact the police switchboard. However, try as he might, the device was also dead. He noticed that despite the warm evening (weather records show it was indeed 60 degrees Fahrenheit in Florida at the time) there was a distinct and sudden chill to the air.

He stared up at the object once more, just in time to see it speed off into the distance, disappearing from view within a couple of seconds.

When the back-up unit arrived several moments later, Delgado was sat in his car with the passenger door wide open. He was in an obvious state of shock. He would, however, recover shortly after and regain his sense. Upon doing so he would file an official report. What's more, the incident is backed up by recordings from Delgado to the police switchboard.

The car, incidentally, would return to normal working order a short time later. Furthermore, Delgado appeared to suffer no long term health problems.

What is perhaps most disturbing, however, is that the Delgado case is far from a unique incident. There are, for example, several details to note about the Delgado incident of 1992. Many of which surface in other such close encounters where the witness, usually viewing the UFO from the moving vehicle, experience such similar problems as engine or headlight failure. Indeed, we have examined multiple incidents where this is the case. While much less prevalent, there are still numerous cases where the witness recalls the strange, cold atmosphere.

Source: ufoinsight.com

My Take: I think these cases where electronic and mechanical equipment fail during the encounter, should be taken very seriously. What do you think?

1992: UFO Blacks Out Police Cruiser in Florida