Middle East Incidents

Any and all types of paranormal incidents within the Middle Eastern borders.

I Hunt Monsters - Specter

I Hunt Monsters - Specter

Posted On: February 11, 2024
When you are on the job, you go to where the problem is. Borders and jurisdictions just don't matter.  We had a new mission, a new briefing. This time nobody was sure what exactly we were hunting. The team gathered in the dimly lit briefing room at their headquarters, the air thick with anticipation. Sergeant Reynolds, stood at the head of the table, his demeanor reflecting the gravity of the situation. "Team," Reynolds began, his gaze serious, "we've got an unusual situation. A security incident at the Iraq...[More]

I Hunt Monsters - Specter

I Hunt Monsters - Specter

Posted On: February 11, 2024
When you are on the job, you go to where the problem is. Borders and jurisdictions just don't matter.  We had a new mission, a new briefing. This time nobody was sure what exactly we were hunting. The team gathered in the dimly lit briefing room at their headquarters, the air thick with anticipation. Sergeant Reynolds, stood at the head of the table, his demeanor reflecting the gravity of the situation. "Team," Reynolds began, his gaze serious, "we've got an unusual situation. A security incident at the Iraq...[More]

The Truth about UFOs and Aliens

The Truth about UFOs and Aliens

Posted On: May 20, 2022
After many years looking into the subject of UFOs and aliens, here is what my official take is: Are UFOs Real? UFOs are real. They are physical craft that are visiting the earth from somewhere else. They are most likely, beings from another planet or planets. Yes, there are multiple alien species visiting the earth. When you speak of Aliens, what do you mean? Could some or all aliens come from any combination of the following? Absolutely. How would we know the difference? 1) Living beings from another planet. 2) The future. 3)...[More]

The Truth about UFOs and Aliens

The Truth about UFOs and Aliens

Posted On: May 20, 2022
After many years looking into the subject of UFOs and aliens, here is what my official take is: Are UFOs Real? UFOs are real. They are physical craft that are visiting the earth from somewhere else. They are most likely, beings from another planet or planets. Yes, there are multiple alien species visiting the earth. When you speak of Aliens, what do you mean? Could some or all aliens come from any combination of the following? Absolutely. How would we know the difference? 1) Living beings from another planet. 2) The future. 3)...[More]

1988: Above Top Secret By Timothy Good

1988: Above Top Secret By Timothy Good

Posted On: April 28, 2022
The year is 1988, Author and UFO researcher Timothy Good releases his book called, Above Top Secret. Using documented research and personal testimony, the author asserts that evidence of life on other planets and of visits to earth by alien spacecraft has been suppressed by various governments around the world. Timothy Good is widely regarded as one of the world’s leading experts on alien phenomena, known for his integrity and determination as a highly skilled researcher. He has lectured at the Royal Canadian Military Institute, Royal ...[More]

1988: Above Top Secret By Timothy Good

1988: Above Top Secret By Timothy Good

Posted On: April 28, 2022
The year is 1988, Author and UFO researcher Timothy Good releases his book called, Above Top Secret. Using documented research and personal testimony, the author asserts that evidence of life on other planets and of visits to earth by alien spacecraft has been suppressed by various governments around the world. Timothy Good is widely regarded as one of the world’s leading experts on alien phenomena, known for his integrity and determination as a highly skilled researcher. He has lectured at the Royal Canadian Military Institute, Royal ...[More]

2002: Giant of Kandahar

2002: Giant of Kandahar

Posted On: March 15, 2022
The year is 2002, the place, in the mountains near Kandahar, Afghanistan. A group of solder was attacked by a 12 to 13 foot tall giant. One soldier was killed as well as the giant. The giant’s corpse was transported to an unknown location by a military helicopter. In 2002, a group of soldiers went missing while on patrol in a remote mountain region of Kandahar, in the south of Afghanistan. And when they failed to make radio contact for some time, the military sent in a special ops unit to investigate, though the branch of the armed for...[More]

2002: Giant of Kandahar

2002: Giant of Kandahar

Posted On: March 15, 2022
The year is 2002, the place, in the mountains near Kandahar, Afghanistan. A group of solder was attacked by a 12 to 13 foot tall giant. One soldier was killed as well as the giant. The giant’s corpse was transported to an unknown location by a military helicopter. In 2002, a group of soldiers went missing while on patrol in a remote mountain region of Kandahar, in the south of Afghanistan. And when they failed to make radio contact for some time, the military sent in a special ops unit to investigate, though the branch of the armed for...[More]