2002: Giant of Kandahar

2002: Giant of Kandahar
Posted On: March 15, 2022

The year is 2002, the place, in the mountains near Kandahar, Afghanistan. A group of solder was attacked by a 12 to 13 foot tall giant. One soldier was killed as well as the giant. The giant’s corpse was transported to an unknown location by a military helicopter.

In 2002, a group of soldiers went missing while on patrol in a remote mountain region of Kandahar, in the south of Afghanistan. And when they failed to make radio contact for some time, the military sent in a special ops unit to investigate, though the branch of the armed forces they belonged to was never confirmed.

Then, high up in the mountains, the unit came across a cave with scattered Army equipment around but no sign of the missing soldiers. And that’s when they chanced upon the Kandahar Giant.

The Task Force was about to enter a cave to explore its recesses when a 13 foot, red-headed, six-digit, double-toothed humanoid emerged and attacked them.

The giant pierced one of the soldiers with his long spear killing him, before the rest of the squad could take him down, shooting at his face for thirty seconds straight.

Inside the cave there were remains of human bones, leading the military to think that the creature was a cannibal.

One of the soldiers was impaled by the weapon the giant wielded, a kind a long spear or lance, during the 30-second shootout (it took that long to kill the creature.)

The body of the giant was packed and loaded into a helicopter, and transferred to a secret location in the USA for study.

The United States Government didn't disclose the event and has no intention to do it in the future, because "giants don't match with the way we explain our world."

The giant wore a canvas or animal hide to protect his feet, like some sort of moccasins.

The giant weighed about 500 Kg as estimated by the C-130 Cargo plane team who transported the body from the pick-up location to the United States. It was noted that a "terrible stench of musk and dirt" exuding from the cadaver, like a man "who didn't shower for 10 years."

My Take: All I can say is wow. If true, what does it mean? Where did this giant come from? Is it alien? Does it come from the hollow earth? What other secrets does our planet hold? 

Resources: Diego Antolini, thexplan.net, Oct 30, 2020

2002: Giant of Kandahar
Posted On: March 15, 2022

The year is 2002, the place, in the mountains near Kandahar, Afghanistan. A group of solder was attacked by a 12 to 13 foot tall giant. One soldier was killed as well as the giant. The giant’s corpse was transported to an unknown location by a military helicopter.

In 2002, a group of soldiers went missing while on patrol in a remote mountain region of Kandahar, in the south of Afghanistan. And when they failed to make radio contact for some time, the military sent in a special ops unit to investigate, though the branch of the armed forces they belonged to was never confirmed.

Then, high up in the mountains, the unit came across a cave with scattered Army equipment around but no sign of the missing soldiers. And that’s when they chanced upon the Kandahar Giant.

The Task Force was about to enter a cave to explore its recesses when a 13 foot, red-headed, six-digit, double-toothed humanoid emerged and attacked them.

The giant pierced one of the soldiers with his long spear killing him, before the rest of the squad could take him down, shooting at his face for thirty seconds straight.

Inside the cave there were remains of human bones, leading the military to think that the creature was a cannibal.

One of the soldiers was impaled by the weapon the giant wielded, a kind a long spear or lance, during the 30-second shootout (it took that long to kill the creature.)

The body of the giant was packed and loaded into a helicopter, and transferred to a secret location in the USA for study.

The United States Government didn't disclose the event and has no intention to do it in the future, because "giants don't match with the way we explain our world."

The giant wore a canvas or animal hide to protect his feet, like some sort of moccasins.

The giant weighed about 500 Kg as estimated by the C-130 Cargo plane team who transported the body from the pick-up location to the United States. It was noted that a "terrible stench of musk and dirt" exuding from the cadaver, like a man "who didn't shower for 10 years."

My Take: All I can say is wow. If true, what does it mean? Where did this giant come from? Is it alien? Does it come from the hollow earth? What other secrets does our planet hold? 

Resources: Diego Antolini, thexplan.net, Oct 30, 2020

2002: Giant of Kandahar