A Discussion That Needs to be Had About UFOs

A Discussion That Needs to be Had About UFOs
Posted On: June 18, 2023

I just first off want to say I appreciate everything the community has done to stay on top of this topic.

From posting archaic videos regarding information that pertains to the claims of DG, to either verifying or debunking various pictures and videos.

Anyways, on to my main point.


As everyone know, DG has filed complaints with congress essentially saying that the U-S and essentially a portion of the world is run by a private military sector that operates without limits and possesses advanced reverse engineered NHI (Non Human Intelligent) technology.

Everyone is (I think) missing the immediate issue here. Forget about NHI for a moment. They have been here, and will be here, ok?.

Bear with me.

There are only truly two sides to this coin. Either the claims are true.

Or they are false. Here's the immediate issue though.

1) If the claims of DG are false, then the claims of many many witnesses and high level officials, trained men/women, etc are all effected by some sort of mental health issue.

If that's the case, we as citizens have a very serious national security matter on our hands.

These people have possession of highly destructive weapons systems. See the issue there?.

2) If the claims of DG are true, then this poses another national security problem.

We pay taxes to the federal government.

We have them garnished out of our wages in the “trade,” that the the government assures our safety and security.

It means that they will provide the necessities for us to operate as American citizens correct?.

We'll here lies the problem.

If you are paying the government, and DG claims are true, then you are paying and slaving for an entity that CANNOT protect you,

HAS NO CONTROL over the execution of the interests of the public.

That WILLFULLY caused unnecessary economic hardships on the American people.

If they have the tech, and withheld it, that's a disservice.

I could go on and on, but the government is founded upon the principals of the constitution.

If these claims are true, our constitution essentially becomes an illegal contract by a body that holds no power.

Regardless of whether you believe or disbelieve, the point isn't that NHI exist.

Apparently that's just a given the pressing matters are THE NATIONAL SECURITY IMPLICATIONS EITHER WAY.

This is an important topic.

Very important.

Despite my viewpoint, it's important.

Clearly the media doesn't take it seriously. It's time to don our tin foil hats.

Tell everyone.

Tell family. Tell your children.

Tell your friends.

Tell your coworkers.

Whatever it takes.

Just inform the public.

TL:DR - Dude, seriously? Just read the damn post or move on. Respectfully.

Post from user PsiloCyan95 at at reddit.



I've been saying the same thing.

DG and others coming forward are either seeing and being presented with evidence that confirms aliens are very real and we have a lot of their tech or we've created incredibly advanced tech super covertly.

It doesn't matter whether this turns out to be actual alien tech or not.

The more serious issue here is that deep state paramilitary groups are aligned with the industrial, military defense contracting, and energy giants here and around the world to suppress technology that was either developed by us or reverse engineered from NHI tech using taxpayer dollars with no congressional oversight.

Everyone actively involved and knew exactly what they were doing whether it's the CEO of Raytheon or a high ranking intelligence officer, should be tried for treason and high crimes.

That's the bigger fall out here.

Because we could still be decades away from understanding the alien tech and even using it for anything besides maybe weaponizing it.

But the fact you had people implicitly deceiving the public and congress and covertly siphoning off tax dollars to fund illegal programs is the more immediate and pressing story here.

Comment from user TheRealMcDonaldTrump at at reddit.

A Discussion That Needs to be Had About UFOs
Posted On: June 18, 2023

I just first off want to say I appreciate everything the community has done to stay on top of this topic.

From posting archaic videos regarding information that pertains to the claims of DG, to either verifying or debunking various pictures and videos.

Anyways, on to my main point.


As everyone know, DG has filed complaints with congress essentially saying that the U-S and essentially a portion of the world is run by a private military sector that operates without limits and possesses advanced reverse engineered NHI (Non Human Intelligent) technology.

Everyone is (I think) missing the immediate issue here. Forget about NHI for a moment. They have been here, and will be here, ok?.

Bear with me.

There are only truly two sides to this coin. Either the claims are true.

Or they are false. Here's the immediate issue though.

1) If the claims of DG are false, then the claims of many many witnesses and high level officials, trained men/women, etc are all effected by some sort of mental health issue.

If that's the case, we as citizens have a very serious national security matter on our hands.

These people have possession of highly destructive weapons systems. See the issue there?.

2) If the claims of DG are true, then this poses another national security problem.

We pay taxes to the federal government.

We have them garnished out of our wages in the “trade,” that the the government assures our safety and security.

It means that they will provide the necessities for us to operate as American citizens correct?.

We'll here lies the problem.

If you are paying the government, and DG claims are true, then you are paying and slaving for an entity that CANNOT protect you,

HAS NO CONTROL over the execution of the interests of the public.

That WILLFULLY caused unnecessary economic hardships on the American people.

If they have the tech, and withheld it, that's a disservice.

I could go on and on, but the government is founded upon the principals of the constitution.

If these claims are true, our constitution essentially becomes an illegal contract by a body that holds no power.

Regardless of whether you believe or disbelieve, the point isn't that NHI exist.

Apparently that's just a given the pressing matters are THE NATIONAL SECURITY IMPLICATIONS EITHER WAY.

This is an important topic.

Very important.

Despite my viewpoint, it's important.

Clearly the media doesn't take it seriously. It's time to don our tin foil hats.

Tell everyone.

Tell family. Tell your children.

Tell your friends.

Tell your coworkers.

Whatever it takes.

Just inform the public.

TL:DR - Dude, seriously? Just read the damn post or move on. Respectfully.

Post from user PsiloCyan95 at at reddit.



I've been saying the same thing.

DG and others coming forward are either seeing and being presented with evidence that confirms aliens are very real and we have a lot of their tech or we've created incredibly advanced tech super covertly.

It doesn't matter whether this turns out to be actual alien tech or not.

The more serious issue here is that deep state paramilitary groups are aligned with the industrial, military defense contracting, and energy giants here and around the world to suppress technology that was either developed by us or reverse engineered from NHI tech using taxpayer dollars with no congressional oversight.

Everyone actively involved and knew exactly what they were doing whether it's the CEO of Raytheon or a high ranking intelligence officer, should be tried for treason and high crimes.

That's the bigger fall out here.

Because we could still be decades away from understanding the alien tech and even using it for anything besides maybe weaponizing it.

But the fact you had people implicitly deceiving the public and congress and covertly siphoning off tax dollars to fund illegal programs is the more immediate and pressing story here.

Comment from user TheRealMcDonaldTrump at at reddit.

A Discussion That Needs to be Had About UFOs