Are UFOs Real or Not?

Are UFOs Real or Not?
Posted On: March 28, 2023

I'm affiliated with this whole topic of UAP/UFO since only approximately 2 years now, and when I started, I, of course, and like many others, started out by analyzing the obvious: allegedly super high-tech that allegedly exceeds known state of art that is associated with a heightened possibility of not being from us.

Alright, sounds crazy? What's even more crazy is the fact that seemingly every nation on this earth is reporting such sightings since at least multiple decades.

Of course, being the greedy explorer that I am, I wasn't satisfied and longed for more answers. Speculation or not, but I wanted to know if there's more to it. Anything, that I could process and form a, or more hypothesis around.

And as more time went by, and the deeper I dug for answers the more I ended up reading up on topics that seemingly popped out of nowhere.

All of a sudden I was reading religious psalms and verses and neuroscientific metastudies about schizophrenia, DMT usage, psychology, archeology, anthropology, geography and all these things, that seemingly have very little in common with the mere calculation of velocities and known state of aerospace-tech.

You can like it or not, but it's inevitable to become lost in the abyss that is our collective failure to institutionally interconnect different scientific disciplines.

In other words: if you're really looking to acquire something like a “logical mind map of rational and thereby heightened possibilities” regarding this whole topic, you have to do, what officially isn't being done at the moment.

I know this may sound harsh, especially if you're 1. making a living off of staying inside a given frame and 2. if you've built your identity around the false assumption that “Academia” isn't as potentially corrupt and especially and definitely incompetent as, par example, politics.

Note that I've said “Academia” and not “Science”.

If it weren't for all these people, which willingly became known as pseudoscientists during their time, we would still be sitting in caves, fighting off sabretooths with sticks and stones.

Yes, at the moment a heightened focus on UAP per se is what's needed because we need official and conclusive confirmation that some of these objects do indeed have a heightened possibility of being exotic.

Not only do we need such a confirmation because the worlds at a very vulnerable state and could very well make use of such an information, but also because this puzzle won't be truly solved without us all being engaged.

But do not make the mistake of closing down think-spaces for people that are doing the necessary, and unfortunately often times underpaid (or zero-payment) work of expanding the frontiers on any given topic.

It is crucial that we remain open to ideas. In fact, it always has been.

Of course, being a realist, I do know that the second “UAP = ET” gets confirmed (if it does), there is a surprisingly and ironically high probability of all these sub-theories being pushed further back into the realm of conspiracies.

Guess by whom: us.

Do not stop thinking. Do not stop exploring.

If we're truly being engaged by ET, then this stuff goes way, way deeper than most are ready to conceptualize, and we will, once again, rely on the building blocks that were laid out by others a long time ago.

“Tighten your seatbelts and wait for further instructions. And in the meantime: ask and speculate the living s. out of this topic.”.

Or, as Arthur C. Clarke said, “any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”, which is exactly why we need to talk about it.

Have a nice day.

Post from user NewsDiscovery1 at UFOs at reddit..


I always try and evangelize people into the knowledge of what is going on. The second they understand theres literally no difference between the paranormal shit in the government and the UFO shit is the second they actually get it in terms of what to know.

I got invited once to be a mod here (at like 200k members, damn this place blows up fast) and I refused, one of the reasons was because I dont see any difference between - UFO - HighStrangeness - aliens, etc. and one of my primary jobs would be to enforce those separations.

Comment from user RacerX00 at UFOs at reddit..

Are UFOs Real or Not?
Posted On: March 28, 2023

I'm affiliated with this whole topic of UAP/UFO since only approximately 2 years now, and when I started, I, of course, and like many others, started out by analyzing the obvious: allegedly super high-tech that allegedly exceeds known state of art that is associated with a heightened possibility of not being from us.

Alright, sounds crazy? What's even more crazy is the fact that seemingly every nation on this earth is reporting such sightings since at least multiple decades.

Of course, being the greedy explorer that I am, I wasn't satisfied and longed for more answers. Speculation or not, but I wanted to know if there's more to it. Anything, that I could process and form a, or more hypothesis around.

And as more time went by, and the deeper I dug for answers the more I ended up reading up on topics that seemingly popped out of nowhere.

All of a sudden I was reading religious psalms and verses and neuroscientific metastudies about schizophrenia, DMT usage, psychology, archeology, anthropology, geography and all these things, that seemingly have very little in common with the mere calculation of velocities and known state of aerospace-tech.

You can like it or not, but it's inevitable to become lost in the abyss that is our collective failure to institutionally interconnect different scientific disciplines.

In other words: if you're really looking to acquire something like a “logical mind map of rational and thereby heightened possibilities” regarding this whole topic, you have to do, what officially isn't being done at the moment.

I know this may sound harsh, especially if you're 1. making a living off of staying inside a given frame and 2. if you've built your identity around the false assumption that “Academia” isn't as potentially corrupt and especially and definitely incompetent as, par example, politics.

Note that I've said “Academia” and not “Science”.

If it weren't for all these people, which willingly became known as pseudoscientists during their time, we would still be sitting in caves, fighting off sabretooths with sticks and stones.

Yes, at the moment a heightened focus on UAP per se is what's needed because we need official and conclusive confirmation that some of these objects do indeed have a heightened possibility of being exotic.

Not only do we need such a confirmation because the worlds at a very vulnerable state and could very well make use of such an information, but also because this puzzle won't be truly solved without us all being engaged.

But do not make the mistake of closing down think-spaces for people that are doing the necessary, and unfortunately often times underpaid (or zero-payment) work of expanding the frontiers on any given topic.

It is crucial that we remain open to ideas. In fact, it always has been.

Of course, being a realist, I do know that the second “UAP = ET” gets confirmed (if it does), there is a surprisingly and ironically high probability of all these sub-theories being pushed further back into the realm of conspiracies.

Guess by whom: us.

Do not stop thinking. Do not stop exploring.

If we're truly being engaged by ET, then this stuff goes way, way deeper than most are ready to conceptualize, and we will, once again, rely on the building blocks that were laid out by others a long time ago.

“Tighten your seatbelts and wait for further instructions. And in the meantime: ask and speculate the living s. out of this topic.”.

Or, as Arthur C. Clarke said, “any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”, which is exactly why we need to talk about it.

Have a nice day.

Post from user NewsDiscovery1 at UFOs at reddit..


I always try and evangelize people into the knowledge of what is going on. The second they understand theres literally no difference between the paranormal shit in the government and the UFO shit is the second they actually get it in terms of what to know.

I got invited once to be a mod here (at like 200k members, damn this place blows up fast) and I refused, one of the reasons was because I dont see any difference between - UFO - HighStrangeness - aliens, etc. and one of my primary jobs would be to enforce those separations.

Comment from user RacerX00 at UFOs at reddit..

Are UFOs Real or Not?