Boolean code in 1991 Crop Circle!

Boolean code in 1991 Crop Circle!
Posted On: June 1, 2023

I've got a new Crop circle deep dive, and it's been a DOOZY!.

It's the one from Late July 1991 located in Milk Hill, within days of the US/USSR peace treaty and is the only one of its kind.

This CC is using the following Boolean Lattice logical statements:.

The original was upside down, but the right angle for orthogonality is the dead giveaway. Here's what each individual symbol means:.

⊚: All possible logical combinations (most likely), see below for more possible uses.

∣: divisibility when used alone (the 1st time it shows up in the statement), absolute value when bracketing the statement (2nd and 3rd time used in statement).

∥: The symbol for parallelism or magnitude.

⊏: The strict subset relationship, suggesting inclusion or containment. "Square image of".

⊐: The "Square original of" or square subset relationship, hinting at containment or restriction.

⊓: The meet operation (logical AND), indicating a combination or intersection.

⊔: The join operation (logical OR), suggesting a union or combination.

⊚ symbol: I've found more than a few papers/sites which utilize the symbol ⊚ in a somewhat related way:.

semantic dependence of x on y, ⊚(x) Logical Philosophy paper.

⊚ denotes the circular correlation operator comp-sci paper.

sequential composition is written using ⊚ Quantum computing paper, language specific.

Best one: characteristic truth table for ⊚ is the truth table describing the truth function of ⊚ wiki, symbol used for all logical symbols. Also used this way in C and C++ wiki. Puts a ? mark as a placeholder for all possible logical outcomes. Page 68/74 of this pdf on Discrete Mathematics shows a good truth table for this concept (sec 6.3.7).

Here, ⊚ and □ are the identity with respect to the OR and AND operations quantum mechanics logic.


ChatGPT's interpretation:.

⊚ ∣ ∣⊏⊓⊔⊏∣.

"All possible logical truths of the absolute value of a structure that is a strict subset that intersects and unites with another strict subset.".

∥ ⊓∟⊓⊐⊐⊓ ∥ ⊚.

"All possible logical truths of the magnitude of a structure that intersects orthogonally with another structure and is contained twice over within a larger intersecting structure.".

⊚ ∣ ∣⊏⊓⊔⊏∣ ∥⊓∟⊓⊐⊐⊓∥ ⊚ Altogether would read:.

"Considering all possible logical truths, apply these to both:.

The absolute value of a structure that is a strict subset that intersects and unites with another strict subset, and.

2) The magnitude of a structure that intersects orthogonally with another structure and is contained twice over within a larger intersecting structure. ".


Imagine you have two big boxes of different colored blocks. One box represents the "strict subset that intersects and unites with another strict subset", and the other represents the "structure that intersects orthogonally with another structure and is contained twice over within a larger intersecting structure".

Now, the symbol ⊚ is like a magic flashlight. When you shine this flashlight on any box, it shows you all the possible ways you can combine the blocks inside that box to create new colors.

So, when you shine this magic flashlight (⊚) on both boxes, you are seeing all the possible color combinations you can make with the blocks in each box.

​Simplified further:.

Imagine you have two big boxes of Lego blocks. One box has some special Lego pieces that fit together in unique ways. The other box has Lego pieces that can only be stacked on top of each other. The ⊚ is like a magic tool that shows you all the cool things you can build with the pieces in each box.


I'm not much of a mathemetician, so let's take GPT's interpretation with a bag of salt.

What should not be taken lightly, is that SOMEBODY was writing this into a field in the middle of the night using Unicode LaTeX characters (Unicode didn't come out until '93), and that somebody wasn't a hoaxer unless they understood some deep mathematical shit, much deeper than the fractal hoaxers anyways.

​TLDR; Unique Crop Circle timed closely to major world event provides insightful mathematical truth related to highly abstract concepts in Set theory and Boolean Lattices.

Post from user MYTbrain at at reddit.

Boolean code in 1991 Crop Circle!
Posted On: June 1, 2023

I've got a new Crop circle deep dive, and it's been a DOOZY!.

It's the one from Late July 1991 located in Milk Hill, within days of the US/USSR peace treaty and is the only one of its kind.

This CC is using the following Boolean Lattice logical statements:.

The original was upside down, but the right angle for orthogonality is the dead giveaway. Here's what each individual symbol means:.

⊚: All possible logical combinations (most likely), see below for more possible uses.

∣: divisibility when used alone (the 1st time it shows up in the statement), absolute value when bracketing the statement (2nd and 3rd time used in statement).

∥: The symbol for parallelism or magnitude.

⊏: The strict subset relationship, suggesting inclusion or containment. "Square image of".

⊐: The "Square original of" or square subset relationship, hinting at containment or restriction.

⊓: The meet operation (logical AND), indicating a combination or intersection.

⊔: The join operation (logical OR), suggesting a union or combination.

⊚ symbol: I've found more than a few papers/sites which utilize the symbol ⊚ in a somewhat related way:.

semantic dependence of x on y, ⊚(x) Logical Philosophy paper.

⊚ denotes the circular correlation operator comp-sci paper.

sequential composition is written using ⊚ Quantum computing paper, language specific.

Best one: characteristic truth table for ⊚ is the truth table describing the truth function of ⊚ wiki, symbol used for all logical symbols. Also used this way in C and C++ wiki. Puts a ? mark as a placeholder for all possible logical outcomes. Page 68/74 of this pdf on Discrete Mathematics shows a good truth table for this concept (sec 6.3.7).

Here, ⊚ and □ are the identity with respect to the OR and AND operations quantum mechanics logic.


ChatGPT's interpretation:.

⊚ ∣ ∣⊏⊓⊔⊏∣.

"All possible logical truths of the absolute value of a structure that is a strict subset that intersects and unites with another strict subset.".

∥ ⊓∟⊓⊐⊐⊓ ∥ ⊚.

"All possible logical truths of the magnitude of a structure that intersects orthogonally with another structure and is contained twice over within a larger intersecting structure.".

⊚ ∣ ∣⊏⊓⊔⊏∣ ∥⊓∟⊓⊐⊐⊓∥ ⊚ Altogether would read:.

"Considering all possible logical truths, apply these to both:.

The absolute value of a structure that is a strict subset that intersects and unites with another strict subset, and.

2) The magnitude of a structure that intersects orthogonally with another structure and is contained twice over within a larger intersecting structure. ".


Imagine you have two big boxes of different colored blocks. One box represents the "strict subset that intersects and unites with another strict subset", and the other represents the "structure that intersects orthogonally with another structure and is contained twice over within a larger intersecting structure".

Now, the symbol ⊚ is like a magic flashlight. When you shine this flashlight on any box, it shows you all the possible ways you can combine the blocks inside that box to create new colors.

So, when you shine this magic flashlight (⊚) on both boxes, you are seeing all the possible color combinations you can make with the blocks in each box.

​Simplified further:.

Imagine you have two big boxes of Lego blocks. One box has some special Lego pieces that fit together in unique ways. The other box has Lego pieces that can only be stacked on top of each other. The ⊚ is like a magic tool that shows you all the cool things you can build with the pieces in each box.


I'm not much of a mathemetician, so let's take GPT's interpretation with a bag of salt.

What should not be taken lightly, is that SOMEBODY was writing this into a field in the middle of the night using Unicode LaTeX characters (Unicode didn't come out until '93), and that somebody wasn't a hoaxer unless they understood some deep mathematical shit, much deeper than the fractal hoaxers anyways.

​TLDR; Unique Crop Circle timed closely to major world event provides insightful mathematical truth related to highly abstract concepts in Set theory and Boolean Lattices.

Post from user MYTbrain at at reddit.

Boolean code in 1991 Crop Circle!