I Hunt Monsters - Chapter 1

I Hunt Monsters - Chapter 1
Posted On: February 9, 2024

I hunt monsters. To be more precise, I belong to a team that hunts monsters. A military type special forces team that is based in the US of A. 

Just so we are clear, by monsters, I mean, bonified nightmare inducing creatures, that you don't ever want to run into. 

Depending on the mission, we either capture or kill the beasts. We always cover our tracks and protect the public as best as we can. We are the good guys, sort of. If you consider the good guys willing to do anything legal or illegal to get our man or beastie. 

Just last week we had a run in with a dogman that was killing campers in Yellowstone National Park. Three had gone missing and our team was contacted to K/C (kill or capture), whatever was causing the problem. 

A dogman is what you would call a werewolf, that stands upright, is very large, very fast, and deadly to people and animals alike. Most of the time the dogmen stick to animal prey and we leave them alone. Sometimes, an individual dogman gets a taste for the long pig. That's when we have to take action. 

We found ourselves in that dimly lit, high-tech briefing room, the air pregnant with anticipation. At the helm stood Sergeant Daniel Reynolds, a seasoned leader marked by a scar etched across his left cheek, a silent testament to the battles he'd weathered.

"Alright, listen up, team," Sergeant Reynolds began, his gaze slicing through the faces of our elite squad. "We've got a situation in Yellowstone. Three campers have gone missing, and eyewitness accounts point to our friend, the dogman."

His gesture directed our attention to the looming screen behind him, displaying a map of the park adorned with ominous red markers. A hush settled over the room as we absorbed the gravity of the impending mission.

"Meet your teammates for this op," Sergeant Reynolds continued, nodding toward the six individuals perched around the table.

Samantha "Sam" Turner (Tech Specialist): Sam's fingers, nimble as a maestro's, danced across the keyboard. She manipulated satellite images and breached park surveillance with a background in computer science that made her an invaluable asset.

Jackson "Jax" Rodriguez (Weapons Expert): Jax, a silent giant with muscles carved from experience, boasted a reputation for handling any firearm with surgical precision. His eyes betrayed a hidden pain, a reminder of a past that fueled his unwavering commitment to protecting others.

Emily "Viper" Wallace (Infiltration Specialist): Viper, a shadow in human form, had a knack for infiltrating the most secure locations. Clad in a sleek suit designed for silence, she carried an arsenal of concealed gadgets beneath its sleek exterior.

Doctor Marcus "Doc" Simmons (Field Medic): A middle-aged figure with a graying beard, Doc wore a demeanor of gentleness that clashed with his proficiency in combat medicine. His medical bag housed both conventional supplies and arcane tools for confronting supernatural injuries.

Riley "Echo" Anderson (Communications): Echo, a tech-sorceress of communication, could establish secure lines even in the remotest locations. Icy blue eyes betrayed a steely resolve, fingers constantly dancing on her tablet like a maestro conducting a symphony of connectivity.

Ethan "Specter" Mills (Tracker): Specter, wiry and with piercing green eyes, possessed an innate connection to the environment. His tracking skills were unrivaled, making him more at home in the wilderness than the bustling confines of a city.

Sergeant Reynolds clasped his hands behind his back. "Each of you has a crucial role in this operation. We're not just dealing with a rogue dogman; there's something off about this one. The intel suggests a heightened aggression we haven't seen before."

Glances exchanged among us, a silent pact acknowledging the gravity of our mission.

"Gear up, check your supplies, and be ready to move out in one hour. Dismissed," Sergeant Reynolds commanded, and we filed out of the room, our focus unwavering.

As we dispersed, I couldn't shake the feeling that this mission held more secrets than even our experienced Sergeant could fathom.

We found ourselves in the underground armory, a vast chamber teeming with cutting-edge weaponry, high-tech gadgets, and specialized gear. The fluorescent lights overhead hummed, casting an otherworldly glow that starkly contrasted with the darkness beyond. Each of us meticulously inspected our equipment, ensuring weapons were loaded, communication devices operational, and protective gear securely fastened.

At the heart of it all stood Sergeant Reynolds, decked in a tactical black uniform, his eyes a mix of pride and concern. The mission was underway, and the stakes were soaring to new heights.

"Remember, we're dealing with an unpredictable adversary," Reynolds reminded us, his gaze sweeping across our faces. "Stay alert, watch each other's backs, and follow the plan. Our goal is to neutralize the threat, but if capture is possible, we take that route."

Samantha, Jax, Viper, Doc, Echo, and Specter nodded in unison, a silent pact forged through years of camaraderie and shared dangers.

The team filed into a waiting military transport vehicle, our breath visible in the crisp night air. Tension hung thick inside the vehicle, but focus prevailed. The hum of the engine reverberated through the metallic confines as we sped towards Yellowstone National Park.

In preparation for the operation, a clandestine decision had been made to temporarily close Yellowstone National Park. Signs proclaiming "Temporary Closure for Park Enhancements" adorned entrances, and a meticulously crafted public statement spun the closure as vital for wildlife preservation and habitat restoration. The ruse flowed through official channels, maintaining the illusion of routine park closure while allowing our monster-hunting team to operate discreetly, without sparking unnecessary panic among visitors.

The moon cast an eerie glow over the landscape, revealing the dense forest and winding trails. We disembarked at a covert entrance, far from prying eyes, and ventured into the wilderness.

Guided by Ethan "Specter" Mills, whose keen senses and tracking expertise left no room for error, we navigated through the thick foliage. Tension thickened the air as we approached the designated area, where dogman sightings had peaked.

Sergeant Reynolds halted us with a raised hand, signaling for silence. The rustle of leaves and distant wolf howls became the only sounds. "Spread out, eyes peeled," Reynolds ordered in a hushed tone. The team dispersed, moving with a synchronized grace that echoed the depths of our training and unity.

The moon hung low in the night sky, casting an eerie glow over the vast expanse of Yellowstone National Park. We, the monster-hunting team, moved with cautious steps through the wooded terrain, our senses on high alert as we tracked the elusive dogman. The anticipation in the air was palpable, and the echo of leaves crunching beneath our boots resonated through the silent forest.

Approaching the coordinates of reported dogman sightings, we stumbled upon a small clearing scattered with the remnants of a struggle - torn tents, abandoned backpacks, and articles of clothing strewn haphazardly. Sergeant Reynolds signaled for us to spread out and investigate the unsettling scene.

Samantha, our tech specialist, crouched beside a shredded tent, deftly manipulating a portable forensic scanner. "Sergeant, I've got traces of blood here. Human. It looks recent."

The gravity of the situation settled upon us as we surveyed the scene. Doc examined the blood samples, his expression grave. "This isn't just an attack. It's a massacre. We need to find survivors, if any."

Viper, our infiltration specialist, discovered a cracked flashlight and a pair of hiking boots tangled in the underbrush. "These belong to one of the missing campers," she announced, her eyes narrowing. "Looks like they put up a fight."

Echo, the communications expert, spoke into her headset. "I'm scanning for any unusual frequencies or distress signals. We need to find them fast."

Meanwhile, Specter, our tracker, knelt down and inspected the ground. "Tracks lead in different directions. Some of them might have escaped. Let's follow these."

With a shared sense of purpose, we traced the scattered signs of the confrontation through the eerie silence of the forest. Each discovery heightened the urgency of our mission, and the realization that we raced against time hung heavy in the air.

As we pressed deeper into the park, the ominous howls of distant wolves seemed to echo the unspoken fear that the creatures we hunted were not the only dangers lurking in the shadows. The hunt for the missing campers had intensified, and we braced ourselves for the unknown horrors that lay ahead.

The team, now deep within the heart of Yellowstone National Park, forged ahead along the winding path through the dense forest. The uneven ground beneath our boots hinted at the approaching rocky terrain, and a damp chill hung in the air. As the moonlight flickered through the foliage, we stumbled upon the entrance of a forbidding cave, its yawning mouth beckoning us into the abyss.

Sergeant Reynolds surveyed the entrance, and a sense of foreboding settled over us. "This is where it's holed up. The cave's the perfect lair for a creature like this."

With our senses on high alert, we entered the cavern with cautious precision. The natural silence of the cave amplified every step, and the shadows seemed to stretch and recoil in response to our presence. Ancient stalactites lined the walls, dripping with moisture and creating a haunting symphony of water droplets echoing through the cavern.

Doc, our field medic, raised a hand, his keen ears catching an unusual sound. "Water, flowing somewhere inside. Be on the lookout for any hidden passages or tunnels."

Samantha, the tech specialist, activated a compact flashlight, casting a narrow beam that illuminated the rough-hewn walls. We moved deeper into the cave system, our senses attuned to the slightest disturbance.

As we traversed the winding passages, the air grew colder, and a faint primal odor lingered. The team advanced with a silent understanding that we were closing in on the lair of the elusive dogman.

Navigating through a labyrinth of caverns, we entered a vast chamber. The cave's ceiling rose high above, and the sound of dripping water echoed in the expansive space. In the dim light, we spotted remnants of the missing campers - torn tents, shredded sleeping bags, and scattered belongings strewn across the rocky floor.

Viper, our infiltration specialist, surveyed the surroundings. "No sign of the creature yet, but it definitely made its mark here. Keep your guard up."

Sergeant Reynolds raised his hand, signaling for silence. We waited in tense anticipation, our breaths forming ephemeral clouds in the cold air. The distant sound of running water and an eerie echo hinted at hidden passages within the cave.

As we stood on the precipice of the abyss, the team prepared for the inevitable confrontation with the dogman, lurking somewhere in the shadows of the cavernous depths.

The team pressed forward cautiously through the cavern, the echoes of our footsteps mingling with the distant drip of water. Tension hung in the air as we navigated the rocky passages, every shadow seemingly concealing the lurking threat of the dogman. Sergeant Reynolds signaled for us to fan out, our weapons raised and senses on high alert.

A guttural growl reverberated through the cave, sending a chill down our spines. The monstrous silhouette of the dogman emerged from the shadows, its eyes gleaming with malevolence. Without hesitation, we unleashed a barrage of gunfire, the echoes of the shots amplifying within the cavernous chamber.

The dogman fought ferociously, its large form weaving between stalagmites, teeth bared, and claws slashing. We, a well-coordinated force, retaliated with precision, bullets finding their mark as we sought to neutralize the supernatural threat. The cavern became a battlefield, a clash of humanity against a creature born of nightmares.

With a final, echoing howl, the dogman collapsed to the rocky floor, defeated but not forgotten. Sergeant Reynolds approached cautiously, ensuring the creature was truly incapacitated. Our heavy breaths filled the cavern as we surveyed the aftermath of our harrowing encounter.

"Echo, initiate cleanup protocol. We need to make sure there's no evidence of this operation," Sergeant Reynolds ordered, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any potential witnesses.

Echo nodded, tapping into her communication device. "Extraction team, this is Echo. The target has been neutralized. We need immediate cleanup and evacuation."

As the extraction team mobilized, we turned our attention to the grisly task of concealing the evidence. Samantha, the tech specialist, used a compact device to erase any digital traces that could link the operation to the team. Viper and Specter meticulously cleaned the cave of any remnants, leaving no trace of the battle that had unfolded.

Doc examined the creature's body, confirming its demise. "It's down for good, but we need to dispose of this. Can't risk anyone stumbling upon it."

The extraction team arrived, equipped with gear to handle the removal of the creature's remains. In a swift and coordinated effort, they secured the dogman's body and to be transported back to base.

Sergeant Reynolds gathered us, his expression somber. "As per S.O.P., this mission is classified. No one outside of this room is to know what transpired here. We play the role of park rangers uncovering a den of wolves. Understood?"

Nods of agreement rippled through the team as we prepared to exit the cave, leaving behind the darkness and secrets buried within the depths of Yellowstone National Park.

The team stepped out from the cave, the gravity of our mission hanging heavy on our shoulders. Sergeant Reynolds guided us through the winding passages of the park, each step a silent acknowledgment of the secrets we were entrusted to guard. At the extraction point, the towering trees seemed to swallow our presence, concealing the night's events in a shroud of darkness.

Back at the base, we congregated in the dimly lit briefing room for the debriefing. Sergeant Reynolds, his scar a stoic reminder of the challenges we faced, addressed the team. "Mission accomplished. The threat has been eliminated, and the park is secure."

Glances were exchanged among team members, expressions revealing a mix of relief and exhaustion. Samantha delved into analyzing the data collected during the operation, while Echo diligently updated the mission logs with meticulous detail.

As the debriefing unfolded, Sergeant Reynolds expressed gratitude for our dedication and professionalism. "Each of you played a crucial role in neutralizing the threat. This stays classified. Remember, the world doesn't need to know about the monsters we face in the dark."

In the aftermath of the operation, we dispersed, each member reflecting on the night's events. In the quiet of the night, alone with our thoughts, the weight of the secrets we carried lingered in the shadows.

Retreating to our respective quarters, I thought, "Some stories are meant to be hidden in the depths of darkness. The world may never know what lurks in the shadows, but we stand guard, silent guardians of secrets that would shatter the illusions of safety."

And that my friends is just another day on the job. Just wait until you hear about our monster prison.

I Hunt Monsters - Chapter 1
Posted On: February 9, 2024

I hunt monsters. To be more precise, I belong to a team that hunts monsters. A military type special forces team that is based in the US of A. 

Just so we are clear, by monsters, I mean, bonified nightmare inducing creatures, that you don't ever want to run into. 

Depending on the mission, we either capture or kill the beasts. We always cover our tracks and protect the public as best as we can. We are the good guys, sort of. If you consider the good guys willing to do anything legal or illegal to get our man or beastie. 

Just last week we had a run in with a dogman that was killing campers in Yellowstone National Park. Three had gone missing and our team was contacted to K/C (kill or capture), whatever was causing the problem. 

A dogman is what you would call a werewolf, that stands upright, is very large, very fast, and deadly to people and animals alike. Most of the time the dogmen stick to animal prey and we leave them alone. Sometimes, an individual dogman gets a taste for the long pig. That's when we have to take action. 

We found ourselves in that dimly lit, high-tech briefing room, the air pregnant with anticipation. At the helm stood Sergeant Daniel Reynolds, a seasoned leader marked by a scar etched across his left cheek, a silent testament to the battles he'd weathered.

"Alright, listen up, team," Sergeant Reynolds began, his gaze slicing through the faces of our elite squad. "We've got a situation in Yellowstone. Three campers have gone missing, and eyewitness accounts point to our friend, the dogman."

His gesture directed our attention to the looming screen behind him, displaying a map of the park adorned with ominous red markers. A hush settled over the room as we absorbed the gravity of the impending mission.

"Meet your teammates for this op," Sergeant Reynolds continued, nodding toward the six individuals perched around the table.

Samantha "Sam" Turner (Tech Specialist): Sam's fingers, nimble as a maestro's, danced across the keyboard. She manipulated satellite images and breached park surveillance with a background in computer science that made her an invaluable asset.

Jackson "Jax" Rodriguez (Weapons Expert): Jax, a silent giant with muscles carved from experience, boasted a reputation for handling any firearm with surgical precision. His eyes betrayed a hidden pain, a reminder of a past that fueled his unwavering commitment to protecting others.

Emily "Viper" Wallace (Infiltration Specialist): Viper, a shadow in human form, had a knack for infiltrating the most secure locations. Clad in a sleek suit designed for silence, she carried an arsenal of concealed gadgets beneath its sleek exterior.

Doctor Marcus "Doc" Simmons (Field Medic): A middle-aged figure with a graying beard, Doc wore a demeanor of gentleness that clashed with his proficiency in combat medicine. His medical bag housed both conventional supplies and arcane tools for confronting supernatural injuries.

Riley "Echo" Anderson (Communications): Echo, a tech-sorceress of communication, could establish secure lines even in the remotest locations. Icy blue eyes betrayed a steely resolve, fingers constantly dancing on her tablet like a maestro conducting a symphony of connectivity.

Ethan "Specter" Mills (Tracker): Specter, wiry and with piercing green eyes, possessed an innate connection to the environment. His tracking skills were unrivaled, making him more at home in the wilderness than the bustling confines of a city.

Sergeant Reynolds clasped his hands behind his back. "Each of you has a crucial role in this operation. We're not just dealing with a rogue dogman; there's something off about this one. The intel suggests a heightened aggression we haven't seen before."

Glances exchanged among us, a silent pact acknowledging the gravity of our mission.

"Gear up, check your supplies, and be ready to move out in one hour. Dismissed," Sergeant Reynolds commanded, and we filed out of the room, our focus unwavering.

As we dispersed, I couldn't shake the feeling that this mission held more secrets than even our experienced Sergeant could fathom.

We found ourselves in the underground armory, a vast chamber teeming with cutting-edge weaponry, high-tech gadgets, and specialized gear. The fluorescent lights overhead hummed, casting an otherworldly glow that starkly contrasted with the darkness beyond. Each of us meticulously inspected our equipment, ensuring weapons were loaded, communication devices operational, and protective gear securely fastened.

At the heart of it all stood Sergeant Reynolds, decked in a tactical black uniform, his eyes a mix of pride and concern. The mission was underway, and the stakes were soaring to new heights.

"Remember, we're dealing with an unpredictable adversary," Reynolds reminded us, his gaze sweeping across our faces. "Stay alert, watch each other's backs, and follow the plan. Our goal is to neutralize the threat, but if capture is possible, we take that route."

Samantha, Jax, Viper, Doc, Echo, and Specter nodded in unison, a silent pact forged through years of camaraderie and shared dangers.

The team filed into a waiting military transport vehicle, our breath visible in the crisp night air. Tension hung thick inside the vehicle, but focus prevailed. The hum of the engine reverberated through the metallic confines as we sped towards Yellowstone National Park.

In preparation for the operation, a clandestine decision had been made to temporarily close Yellowstone National Park. Signs proclaiming "Temporary Closure for Park Enhancements" adorned entrances, and a meticulously crafted public statement spun the closure as vital for wildlife preservation and habitat restoration. The ruse flowed through official channels, maintaining the illusion of routine park closure while allowing our monster-hunting team to operate discreetly, without sparking unnecessary panic among visitors.

The moon cast an eerie glow over the landscape, revealing the dense forest and winding trails. We disembarked at a covert entrance, far from prying eyes, and ventured into the wilderness.

Guided by Ethan "Specter" Mills, whose keen senses and tracking expertise left no room for error, we navigated through the thick foliage. Tension thickened the air as we approached the designated area, where dogman sightings had peaked.

Sergeant Reynolds halted us with a raised hand, signaling for silence. The rustle of leaves and distant wolf howls became the only sounds. "Spread out, eyes peeled," Reynolds ordered in a hushed tone. The team dispersed, moving with a synchronized grace that echoed the depths of our training and unity.

The moon hung low in the night sky, casting an eerie glow over the vast expanse of Yellowstone National Park. We, the monster-hunting team, moved with cautious steps through the wooded terrain, our senses on high alert as we tracked the elusive dogman. The anticipation in the air was palpable, and the echo of leaves crunching beneath our boots resonated through the silent forest.

Approaching the coordinates of reported dogman sightings, we stumbled upon a small clearing scattered with the remnants of a struggle - torn tents, abandoned backpacks, and articles of clothing strewn haphazardly. Sergeant Reynolds signaled for us to spread out and investigate the unsettling scene.

Samantha, our tech specialist, crouched beside a shredded tent, deftly manipulating a portable forensic scanner. "Sergeant, I've got traces of blood here. Human. It looks recent."

The gravity of the situation settled upon us as we surveyed the scene. Doc examined the blood samples, his expression grave. "This isn't just an attack. It's a massacre. We need to find survivors, if any."

Viper, our infiltration specialist, discovered a cracked flashlight and a pair of hiking boots tangled in the underbrush. "These belong to one of the missing campers," she announced, her eyes narrowing. "Looks like they put up a fight."

Echo, the communications expert, spoke into her headset. "I'm scanning for any unusual frequencies or distress signals. We need to find them fast."

Meanwhile, Specter, our tracker, knelt down and inspected the ground. "Tracks lead in different directions. Some of them might have escaped. Let's follow these."

With a shared sense of purpose, we traced the scattered signs of the confrontation through the eerie silence of the forest. Each discovery heightened the urgency of our mission, and the realization that we raced against time hung heavy in the air.

As we pressed deeper into the park, the ominous howls of distant wolves seemed to echo the unspoken fear that the creatures we hunted were not the only dangers lurking in the shadows. The hunt for the missing campers had intensified, and we braced ourselves for the unknown horrors that lay ahead.

The team, now deep within the heart of Yellowstone National Park, forged ahead along the winding path through the dense forest. The uneven ground beneath our boots hinted at the approaching rocky terrain, and a damp chill hung in the air. As the moonlight flickered through the foliage, we stumbled upon the entrance of a forbidding cave, its yawning mouth beckoning us into the abyss.

Sergeant Reynolds surveyed the entrance, and a sense of foreboding settled over us. "This is where it's holed up. The cave's the perfect lair for a creature like this."

With our senses on high alert, we entered the cavern with cautious precision. The natural silence of the cave amplified every step, and the shadows seemed to stretch and recoil in response to our presence. Ancient stalactites lined the walls, dripping with moisture and creating a haunting symphony of water droplets echoing through the cavern.

Doc, our field medic, raised a hand, his keen ears catching an unusual sound. "Water, flowing somewhere inside. Be on the lookout for any hidden passages or tunnels."

Samantha, the tech specialist, activated a compact flashlight, casting a narrow beam that illuminated the rough-hewn walls. We moved deeper into the cave system, our senses attuned to the slightest disturbance.

As we traversed the winding passages, the air grew colder, and a faint primal odor lingered. The team advanced with a silent understanding that we were closing in on the lair of the elusive dogman.

Navigating through a labyrinth of caverns, we entered a vast chamber. The cave's ceiling rose high above, and the sound of dripping water echoed in the expansive space. In the dim light, we spotted remnants of the missing campers - torn tents, shredded sleeping bags, and scattered belongings strewn across the rocky floor.

Viper, our infiltration specialist, surveyed the surroundings. "No sign of the creature yet, but it definitely made its mark here. Keep your guard up."

Sergeant Reynolds raised his hand, signaling for silence. We waited in tense anticipation, our breaths forming ephemeral clouds in the cold air. The distant sound of running water and an eerie echo hinted at hidden passages within the cave.

As we stood on the precipice of the abyss, the team prepared for the inevitable confrontation with the dogman, lurking somewhere in the shadows of the cavernous depths.

The team pressed forward cautiously through the cavern, the echoes of our footsteps mingling with the distant drip of water. Tension hung in the air as we navigated the rocky passages, every shadow seemingly concealing the lurking threat of the dogman. Sergeant Reynolds signaled for us to fan out, our weapons raised and senses on high alert.

A guttural growl reverberated through the cave, sending a chill down our spines. The monstrous silhouette of the dogman emerged from the shadows, its eyes gleaming with malevolence. Without hesitation, we unleashed a barrage of gunfire, the echoes of the shots amplifying within the cavernous chamber.

The dogman fought ferociously, its large form weaving between stalagmites, teeth bared, and claws slashing. We, a well-coordinated force, retaliated with precision, bullets finding their mark as we sought to neutralize the supernatural threat. The cavern became a battlefield, a clash of humanity against a creature born of nightmares.

With a final, echoing howl, the dogman collapsed to the rocky floor, defeated but not forgotten. Sergeant Reynolds approached cautiously, ensuring the creature was truly incapacitated. Our heavy breaths filled the cavern as we surveyed the aftermath of our harrowing encounter.

"Echo, initiate cleanup protocol. We need to make sure there's no evidence of this operation," Sergeant Reynolds ordered, his eyes scanning the surroundings for any potential witnesses.

Echo nodded, tapping into her communication device. "Extraction team, this is Echo. The target has been neutralized. We need immediate cleanup and evacuation."

As the extraction team mobilized, we turned our attention to the grisly task of concealing the evidence. Samantha, the tech specialist, used a compact device to erase any digital traces that could link the operation to the team. Viper and Specter meticulously cleaned the cave of any remnants, leaving no trace of the battle that had unfolded.

Doc examined the creature's body, confirming its demise. "It's down for good, but we need to dispose of this. Can't risk anyone stumbling upon it."

The extraction team arrived, equipped with gear to handle the removal of the creature's remains. In a swift and coordinated effort, they secured the dogman's body and to be transported back to base.

Sergeant Reynolds gathered us, his expression somber. "As per S.O.P., this mission is classified. No one outside of this room is to know what transpired here. We play the role of park rangers uncovering a den of wolves. Understood?"

Nods of agreement rippled through the team as we prepared to exit the cave, leaving behind the darkness and secrets buried within the depths of Yellowstone National Park.

The team stepped out from the cave, the gravity of our mission hanging heavy on our shoulders. Sergeant Reynolds guided us through the winding passages of the park, each step a silent acknowledgment of the secrets we were entrusted to guard. At the extraction point, the towering trees seemed to swallow our presence, concealing the night's events in a shroud of darkness.

Back at the base, we congregated in the dimly lit briefing room for the debriefing. Sergeant Reynolds, his scar a stoic reminder of the challenges we faced, addressed the team. "Mission accomplished. The threat has been eliminated, and the park is secure."

Glances were exchanged among team members, expressions revealing a mix of relief and exhaustion. Samantha delved into analyzing the data collected during the operation, while Echo diligently updated the mission logs with meticulous detail.

As the debriefing unfolded, Sergeant Reynolds expressed gratitude for our dedication and professionalism. "Each of you played a crucial role in neutralizing the threat. This stays classified. Remember, the world doesn't need to know about the monsters we face in the dark."

In the aftermath of the operation, we dispersed, each member reflecting on the night's events. In the quiet of the night, alone with our thoughts, the weight of the secrets we carried lingered in the shadows.

Retreating to our respective quarters, I thought, "Some stories are meant to be hidden in the depths of darkness. The world may never know what lurks in the shadows, but we stand guard, silent guardians of secrets that would shatter the illusions of safety."

And that my friends is just another day on the job. Just wait until you hear about our monster prison.

I Hunt Monsters - Chapter 1