I Hunt Monsters - Sasquatch

I Hunt Monsters - Sasquatch
Posted On: February 23, 2024

We don’t always travel the globe with our monster hunting. Quite often, we get to stay close to home in North America.

This next story is about Sasquatch, Big Foot, the Skunk Ape, or whichever name you prefer to give it.

Basically the Sasquatch are real. They have always been with us. Most of the time the Sasquatch leave people alone. We only get involved when they start hunting humans.

Most people don’t know that the Sasquatch is just an offshoot of Neanderthal. They are just much larger than their ancient cousins. Modern day museums always show Neanderthal as hairless. Why they thought that, I have no idea. Neanderthals were probably hairy like an ape. At least, according to our Eggheads.

Sometimes Sasquatch get a taste for the long pig and when that happens, there is nothing else to do other than remove them from the gene pool. Other times Sasquatch will abduct women and use them for other purposes too grisly to talk about.

A report came to us that a whole family of four was taken while camping at Zion National Park in Utah.

The team gathered in the familiar dimly lit briefing room at their headquarters, surrounded by screens displaying maps and surveillance footage. Sergeant Reynolds, a scar on his cheek as a testament to past encounters, stood at the front, the weight of responsibility etched in his eyes.

"Listen up, team," Sergeant Reynolds began, his eyes conveying the gravity of the situation. "We've received a distressing report. A family of four has gone missing during a camping trip at Zion National Park. Local authorities are baffled, and the community is on edge. Our mission is to investigate and, if necessary, neutralize any threats responsible for these disappearances."

The room hushed as the team members focused on the mission at hand. Sam, seated at the tech console, brought up a map of the vast Zion National Park on the large screen behind Sergeant Reynolds.

"We're dealing with an unknown entity here. Our goal is to find the missing family, assess the threat, and take appropriate action," Sergeant Reynolds continued. "Sam and her team of Eggheads have developed state-of-the-art surveillance equipment to aid our investigation. Our objective is to gather intel and, if possible, establish contact without escalating the situation."

Samantha, briefly explained the capabilities of the new equipment, motion sensors, night vision cameras, and audio recorders designed to capture any anomalies in the dense forest.

"We might be dealing with a Dogman or rogue Sasquatch," Sergeant Reynolds acknowledged, glancing around the room. "But we can't take any chances. The safety of the missing family and the community is our top priority. Gear up, check your supplies, and be ready to move out in one hour. Dismissed."

As the team filed out of the briefing room, the weight of the mission hung in the air. Zion National Park, with its towering trees and ancient mysteries, awaited their arrival, and the team steeled themselves for the shadows that lurked within the heart of the forest.

The team gathered in the early morning light at the designated deployment point near the entrance of Zion National Park. Sergeant Reynolds, our seasoned, stood before his team, their faces illuminated by the soft glow of dawn.

"Listen up, team," Reynolds began, his sharp gaze assessing each member. "We've got a critical situation. Our intel suggests this might be more than a routine search and rescue. There have been reports of strange sounds and sightings."

He gestured to the large map spread out before them, pointing at the area marked for investigation. "Our mission is to find the missing family, assess the situation, and neutralize any potential threat. We're dealing with the unknown, so stay vigilant."

The team members, a diverse group of specialists, nodded in acknowledgment. Among them were Sam, the tech specialist; Jax, the weapons expert; Viper, the infiltration specialist; Doc, the field medic; Echo, the communications expert; and Specter, the tracker.

Sergeant Reynolds continued, "Sam, I need you to scan for any anomalies or unusual energy signatures. Jax, ensure our firepower is ready for any encounter. Viper, scout ahead and gather intel. Doc, be prepared for any medical emergencies. Echo, establish secure communication, and Specter, keep us on the right trail."

As they geared up with new equipment designed by Sam and the Eggheads, the team's nickname for the tech specialists, the anticipation in the air was palpable.

The team boarded a rugged off-road vehicle, specially equipped for the challenging terrain of the park. The journey to the campsite was filled with a tense silence, broken only by the distant sounds of the wilderness. The towering trees cast long shadows over the winding trails, adding an eerie ambiance to the mission.

After several hours in the park, the team cautiously approached the campsite within the heart of the park. The air hung heavy with an unsettling stillness, and the towering trees cast elongated shadows that seemed to dance in the fading daylight.

As they entered the clearing, the remnants of the missing family's campsite came into view. Torn tents lay scattered, their once-sturdy frames now twisted and torn.

Viper, the infiltration specialist, moved silently ahead, her keen eyes scanning for any signs of disturbance. She crouched near a shredded tent, examining the fabric with a furrowed brow.

"Sergeant," she called out to Reynolds, adjusting the sleek suit designed for silent movement. "There are signs of a struggle here. Looks like they didn't leave willingly."

Sam, activated a small drone that hovered above the campsite, capturing images and relaying them to a tablet. "I'm scanning for any unusual energy patterns. This place gives me the creeps."

Specter, knelt down to inspect the ground. His piercing green eyes narrowed as he studied the soil. "Tracks lead in different directions. Something or someone dragged them away from here."

Doc, examined a torn backpack with a grave expression. "This wasn't just an animal attack. It's as if they were taken deliberately."

Echo, listened intently to her headset. "I'm not picking up any distress signals or unusual frequencies. Whatever happened here was swift and silent."

Jax, checked the ammunition in his firearm, his gaze scanning the surrounding woods. "We need to move quickly. The longer we stay here, the colder the trail gets."

The team, their senses heightened, spread out to follow the scattered signs of the confrontation. The forest seemed to close in around them, amplifying the sense of urgency. As they delved deeper into the park, the haunting shadows of the ancient trees whispered of secrets that lingered in the depths of the wilderness.

The team moved with a purpose through the dense foliage, following the cryptic trail left by the unknown assailants. The towering trees created a natural canopy, filtering the already fading sunlight, and the air felt thick with the weight of the unknown.

Specter, with his uncanny ability to read the environment, led the way, eyes scanning the ground for any signs. He pointed to broken branches and disturbed underbrush, indicating the path the captors had taken.

"They were in a hurry, but we're on the right track," Specter reported, his gaze focused on the subtle disturbances in the forest floor.

The team pressed forward, the dense vegetation occasionally giving way to small clearings. Echo, the communications expert, constantly scanned for any unusual signals or frequencies that might provide a clue to the family's whereabouts.

Doc, examined a torn piece of clothing caught on a thorn. "This belonged to one of them. We're getting closer."

Viper, moved with a stealthy grace, her eyes sharp and observant. She signaled for the team to stop as they approached a larger clearing.

In the center of the clearing, they the entrance to a canyon. The air grew colder as the team exchanged glances, realizing that this hidden entrance might be a crucial lead.

Sergeant Reynolds, took charge. "We need to check this out. But be cautious. We don't know what we're dealing with."

The team approached the canyon entrance, the eerie silence of the forest amplifying the sounds of their careful footsteps.

As the team peered into the depths of the rocky crevice, their eyes widened at the unexpected sight. The stench was overpowering.

In the hidden canyon, eight Sasquatches stood, their massive forms towering over the landscape. Two women, disheveled and clearly distressed, were huddled against the canyon wall. The creatures seemed agitated, emitting low grumbles and exchanging occasional glances.

Samantha, adjusted the settings on her binoculars, zooming in for a closer look. "This is unprecedented. Sasquatches in a group like this... it's highly irregular."

Sergeant Reynolds, gestured for his team to maintain a discreet distance. "Stay alert. We need to assess the situation and find a way to extract those women safely."

The team observed the Sasquatch family, noting their behavior. The creatures seemed protective, yet the tension in the canyon was palpable. It was evident that something had disrupted their natural rhythm.

The team prepared to enter the canyon.

The hidden canyon erupted into chaos as the team confronted the Sasquatch family. The creatures, enraged and protective, launched a relentless attack. Bullets flew through the air, met with powerful roars and the thud of large rocks being hurled by the Sasquatches.

The battle dragged on, a fierce and prolonged struggle. Some Sasquatches hurled massive rocks with surprising accuracy, testing the team's agility and resolve. The echoing roars resonated through the canyon, creating a symphony of chaos and desperation.

As the battle reached its climax, the team managed to eliminate all eight Sasquatches. The ground, strewn with rocks and fallen bodies, bore witness to the fierce struggle that had unfolded. Exhausted and battered, the team finally reached the captives, the two women who had endured the terror of the Sasquatch family.

Amid the aftermath of the brutal battle, the team surveyed the canyon, their eyes falling upon a grim discovery. Half-eaten remains of the two males who had been part of the missing family lay scattered across the rocky terrain. It was a somber moment, a stark reminder of the cost of the encounter with the Sasquatch family.

Silently, they began to secure the area, ensuring that the remains were treated with the respect they deserved. It was a poignant reminder of the dangers they faced in their monster-hunting missions and the high price that sometimes accompanied the pursuit of the unknown.


The team initiated the somber task of cleanup and cover-up. Their mission, shrouded in secrecy, demanded that the events in the hidden canyon remain hidden from the public eye.

Sam, utilized her expertise to erase any digital traces that might link the operation to the team. She worked diligently to wipe out surveillance footage, ensuring that the existence of the Sasquatch family and the tragic encounter in the canyon would remain classified.

Viper, carefully examined the surroundings, removing any signs of the team's presence. Footprints were erased, disturbed vegetation carefully restored, and the canyon was left as undisturbed as possible. It was a meticulous process, a dance of concealment in the aftermath of the battle.

"Echo, initiate the cover-up protocol. We need to make sure this never sees the light of day," Sargent Reynolds instructed. Echo, relayed the order to the team's support network, ensuring that the incident would be veiled in secrecy.

All the bodies were removed and the canyon cleaned up as best as possible.

The next day the team was back at headquarters for the debrief, their faces etched with a mixture of exhaustion and gravity. The dimly lit room served as the backdrop for reflections on the perilous mission in Zion National Park.

Sergeant Reynolds, the stalwart leader, addressed the team with a somber tone. "We faced the unknown out there, and we did what needed to be done. The world doesn't need to know about the creatures we encounter in these wild places."

Sam, began analyzing the data collected during the operation, ensuring that every digital trace was erased.

As the debrief continued, the team's dedication to their enigmatic task was evident. Sergeant Reynolds expressed gratitude for their commitment and professionalism, knowing that their duty required sacrifices beyond the comprehension of the ordinary world.

"We face these challenges so others don't have to," Reynolds concluded, his words a reminder of the silent guardianship the team embraced.

With the debrief concluded, the team dispersed, carrying the secrets of the hidden canyon and the fallen Sasquatch family. Alone in the quiet of the night, the weight of their responsibilities lingered in the shadows, as the team prepared for the next chapter in their monster encounters.

I Hunt Monsters - Sasquatch
Posted On: February 23, 2024

We don’t always travel the globe with our monster hunting. Quite often, we get to stay close to home in North America.

This next story is about Sasquatch, Big Foot, the Skunk Ape, or whichever name you prefer to give it.

Basically the Sasquatch are real. They have always been with us. Most of the time the Sasquatch leave people alone. We only get involved when they start hunting humans.

Most people don’t know that the Sasquatch is just an offshoot of Neanderthal. They are just much larger than their ancient cousins. Modern day museums always show Neanderthal as hairless. Why they thought that, I have no idea. Neanderthals were probably hairy like an ape. At least, according to our Eggheads.

Sometimes Sasquatch get a taste for the long pig and when that happens, there is nothing else to do other than remove them from the gene pool. Other times Sasquatch will abduct women and use them for other purposes too grisly to talk about.

A report came to us that a whole family of four was taken while camping at Zion National Park in Utah.

The team gathered in the familiar dimly lit briefing room at their headquarters, surrounded by screens displaying maps and surveillance footage. Sergeant Reynolds, a scar on his cheek as a testament to past encounters, stood at the front, the weight of responsibility etched in his eyes.

"Listen up, team," Sergeant Reynolds began, his eyes conveying the gravity of the situation. "We've received a distressing report. A family of four has gone missing during a camping trip at Zion National Park. Local authorities are baffled, and the community is on edge. Our mission is to investigate and, if necessary, neutralize any threats responsible for these disappearances."

The room hushed as the team members focused on the mission at hand. Sam, seated at the tech console, brought up a map of the vast Zion National Park on the large screen behind Sergeant Reynolds.

"We're dealing with an unknown entity here. Our goal is to find the missing family, assess the threat, and take appropriate action," Sergeant Reynolds continued. "Sam and her team of Eggheads have developed state-of-the-art surveillance equipment to aid our investigation. Our objective is to gather intel and, if possible, establish contact without escalating the situation."

Samantha, briefly explained the capabilities of the new equipment, motion sensors, night vision cameras, and audio recorders designed to capture any anomalies in the dense forest.

"We might be dealing with a Dogman or rogue Sasquatch," Sergeant Reynolds acknowledged, glancing around the room. "But we can't take any chances. The safety of the missing family and the community is our top priority. Gear up, check your supplies, and be ready to move out in one hour. Dismissed."

As the team filed out of the briefing room, the weight of the mission hung in the air. Zion National Park, with its towering trees and ancient mysteries, awaited their arrival, and the team steeled themselves for the shadows that lurked within the heart of the forest.

The team gathered in the early morning light at the designated deployment point near the entrance of Zion National Park. Sergeant Reynolds, our seasoned, stood before his team, their faces illuminated by the soft glow of dawn.

"Listen up, team," Reynolds began, his sharp gaze assessing each member. "We've got a critical situation. Our intel suggests this might be more than a routine search and rescue. There have been reports of strange sounds and sightings."

He gestured to the large map spread out before them, pointing at the area marked for investigation. "Our mission is to find the missing family, assess the situation, and neutralize any potential threat. We're dealing with the unknown, so stay vigilant."

The team members, a diverse group of specialists, nodded in acknowledgment. Among them were Sam, the tech specialist; Jax, the weapons expert; Viper, the infiltration specialist; Doc, the field medic; Echo, the communications expert; and Specter, the tracker.

Sergeant Reynolds continued, "Sam, I need you to scan for any anomalies or unusual energy signatures. Jax, ensure our firepower is ready for any encounter. Viper, scout ahead and gather intel. Doc, be prepared for any medical emergencies. Echo, establish secure communication, and Specter, keep us on the right trail."

As they geared up with new equipment designed by Sam and the Eggheads, the team's nickname for the tech specialists, the anticipation in the air was palpable.

The team boarded a rugged off-road vehicle, specially equipped for the challenging terrain of the park. The journey to the campsite was filled with a tense silence, broken only by the distant sounds of the wilderness. The towering trees cast long shadows over the winding trails, adding an eerie ambiance to the mission.

After several hours in the park, the team cautiously approached the campsite within the heart of the park. The air hung heavy with an unsettling stillness, and the towering trees cast elongated shadows that seemed to dance in the fading daylight.

As they entered the clearing, the remnants of the missing family's campsite came into view. Torn tents lay scattered, their once-sturdy frames now twisted and torn.

Viper, the infiltration specialist, moved silently ahead, her keen eyes scanning for any signs of disturbance. She crouched near a shredded tent, examining the fabric with a furrowed brow.

"Sergeant," she called out to Reynolds, adjusting the sleek suit designed for silent movement. "There are signs of a struggle here. Looks like they didn't leave willingly."

Sam, activated a small drone that hovered above the campsite, capturing images and relaying them to a tablet. "I'm scanning for any unusual energy patterns. This place gives me the creeps."

Specter, knelt down to inspect the ground. His piercing green eyes narrowed as he studied the soil. "Tracks lead in different directions. Something or someone dragged them away from here."

Doc, examined a torn backpack with a grave expression. "This wasn't just an animal attack. It's as if they were taken deliberately."

Echo, listened intently to her headset. "I'm not picking up any distress signals or unusual frequencies. Whatever happened here was swift and silent."

Jax, checked the ammunition in his firearm, his gaze scanning the surrounding woods. "We need to move quickly. The longer we stay here, the colder the trail gets."

The team, their senses heightened, spread out to follow the scattered signs of the confrontation. The forest seemed to close in around them, amplifying the sense of urgency. As they delved deeper into the park, the haunting shadows of the ancient trees whispered of secrets that lingered in the depths of the wilderness.

The team moved with a purpose through the dense foliage, following the cryptic trail left by the unknown assailants. The towering trees created a natural canopy, filtering the already fading sunlight, and the air felt thick with the weight of the unknown.

Specter, with his uncanny ability to read the environment, led the way, eyes scanning the ground for any signs. He pointed to broken branches and disturbed underbrush, indicating the path the captors had taken.

"They were in a hurry, but we're on the right track," Specter reported, his gaze focused on the subtle disturbances in the forest floor.

The team pressed forward, the dense vegetation occasionally giving way to small clearings. Echo, the communications expert, constantly scanned for any unusual signals or frequencies that might provide a clue to the family's whereabouts.

Doc, examined a torn piece of clothing caught on a thorn. "This belonged to one of them. We're getting closer."

Viper, moved with a stealthy grace, her eyes sharp and observant. She signaled for the team to stop as they approached a larger clearing.

In the center of the clearing, they the entrance to a canyon. The air grew colder as the team exchanged glances, realizing that this hidden entrance might be a crucial lead.

Sergeant Reynolds, took charge. "We need to check this out. But be cautious. We don't know what we're dealing with."

The team approached the canyon entrance, the eerie silence of the forest amplifying the sounds of their careful footsteps.

As the team peered into the depths of the rocky crevice, their eyes widened at the unexpected sight. The stench was overpowering.

In the hidden canyon, eight Sasquatches stood, their massive forms towering over the landscape. Two women, disheveled and clearly distressed, were huddled against the canyon wall. The creatures seemed agitated, emitting low grumbles and exchanging occasional glances.

Samantha, adjusted the settings on her binoculars, zooming in for a closer look. "This is unprecedented. Sasquatches in a group like this... it's highly irregular."

Sergeant Reynolds, gestured for his team to maintain a discreet distance. "Stay alert. We need to assess the situation and find a way to extract those women safely."

The team observed the Sasquatch family, noting their behavior. The creatures seemed protective, yet the tension in the canyon was palpable. It was evident that something had disrupted their natural rhythm.

The team prepared to enter the canyon.

The hidden canyon erupted into chaos as the team confronted the Sasquatch family. The creatures, enraged and protective, launched a relentless attack. Bullets flew through the air, met with powerful roars and the thud of large rocks being hurled by the Sasquatches.

The battle dragged on, a fierce and prolonged struggle. Some Sasquatches hurled massive rocks with surprising accuracy, testing the team's agility and resolve. The echoing roars resonated through the canyon, creating a symphony of chaos and desperation.

As the battle reached its climax, the team managed to eliminate all eight Sasquatches. The ground, strewn with rocks and fallen bodies, bore witness to the fierce struggle that had unfolded. Exhausted and battered, the team finally reached the captives, the two women who had endured the terror of the Sasquatch family.

Amid the aftermath of the brutal battle, the team surveyed the canyon, their eyes falling upon a grim discovery. Half-eaten remains of the two males who had been part of the missing family lay scattered across the rocky terrain. It was a somber moment, a stark reminder of the cost of the encounter with the Sasquatch family.

Silently, they began to secure the area, ensuring that the remains were treated with the respect they deserved. It was a poignant reminder of the dangers they faced in their monster-hunting missions and the high price that sometimes accompanied the pursuit of the unknown.


The team initiated the somber task of cleanup and cover-up. Their mission, shrouded in secrecy, demanded that the events in the hidden canyon remain hidden from the public eye.

Sam, utilized her expertise to erase any digital traces that might link the operation to the team. She worked diligently to wipe out surveillance footage, ensuring that the existence of the Sasquatch family and the tragic encounter in the canyon would remain classified.

Viper, carefully examined the surroundings, removing any signs of the team's presence. Footprints were erased, disturbed vegetation carefully restored, and the canyon was left as undisturbed as possible. It was a meticulous process, a dance of concealment in the aftermath of the battle.

"Echo, initiate the cover-up protocol. We need to make sure this never sees the light of day," Sargent Reynolds instructed. Echo, relayed the order to the team's support network, ensuring that the incident would be veiled in secrecy.

All the bodies were removed and the canyon cleaned up as best as possible.

The next day the team was back at headquarters for the debrief, their faces etched with a mixture of exhaustion and gravity. The dimly lit room served as the backdrop for reflections on the perilous mission in Zion National Park.

Sergeant Reynolds, the stalwart leader, addressed the team with a somber tone. "We faced the unknown out there, and we did what needed to be done. The world doesn't need to know about the creatures we encounter in these wild places."

Sam, began analyzing the data collected during the operation, ensuring that every digital trace was erased.

As the debrief continued, the team's dedication to their enigmatic task was evident. Sergeant Reynolds expressed gratitude for their commitment and professionalism, knowing that their duty required sacrifices beyond the comprehension of the ordinary world.

"We face these challenges so others don't have to," Reynolds concluded, his words a reminder of the silent guardianship the team embraced.

With the debrief concluded, the team dispersed, carrying the secrets of the hidden canyon and the fallen Sasquatch family. Alone in the quiet of the night, the weight of their responsibilities lingered in the shadows, as the team prepared for the next chapter in their monster encounters.

I Hunt Monsters - Sasquatch