The Truth about UFOs and Aliens

The Truth about UFOs and Aliens
Posted On: May 20, 2022

After many years looking into the subject of UFOs and aliens, here is what my official take is:

Are UFOs Real?
UFOs are real. They are physical craft that are visiting the earth from somewhere else. They are most likely, beings from another planet or planets. Yes, there are multiple alien species visiting the earth.

When you speak of Aliens, what do you mean?
Could some or all aliens come from any combination of the following? Absolutely. How would we know the difference? 1) Living beings from another planet. 2) The future. 3) An alternate dimension. 4) Underground cities here on earth. Earlier than human advanced civilizations. 5) A planet or moon from our own solar system. 6) Going forward, I am just going to refer to these beings as Aliens.

What does the government know about UFOs?
The governments of all the G7 countries are in the know. They are actively lying to the public that they are supposed to serve. Since at least the 1940s, the U.S. government has gone to great lengths to hide these facts. This information is above top secret.

What things have the governments of the world done to conceal the truth about UFOs?
1) Lied to everyone. 2) Discredited people. 3) Infiltrated UFO groups. 4) Created campaigns of misinformation. 5) Hidden super advanced alien technology from the public under the guise of national security and a need to know ideology. 6) Allow alien abductions to take place. 7) Killed people as a last resort.

What is the government's plan about UFOs and the future?
The government is in a bit of a pickle over this. How do they come clean? I do not think we will ever know the full truth. The government might release some heavily sanitized version that makes them look the least culpable as possible. Here are some possible thoughts on what they might do. 1)Push a UFO off a truck somewhere and let it be found by the media. Then pretend it's a new discovery. Wow, a UFO, who knew? 2) Pretend that they have been fighting a secret war against the aliens all along. They were protecting us and had to keep it secret to avoid panic. 3) Continue the government's campaign of a trickle disclosure. Desensitize the public and then release some version of the truth with all the really bad stuff deleted. 4) The government could also just keep releasing Alien Technology, a bit at a time. Make it look like humans created it. Eventually, we would catch up to the Alien’s tech and they could keep the lie going forever. Right now the Alien Reproduction Vehicles (ARVs) are indistinguishable with Alien UFOs. How would the public know?

Why is the government hiding the truth about UFOs and Aliens with the public?
I think originally, it was about national security and to avoid public panic. Think about this, if they released the truth, what could happen? 1) Public panic. 2) Stock market crash. 3) Problems with main stream religions. Example: What if the aliens created us like a science experiment. What if the Aliens created religion to control us? In either case, main stream religions would collapse. 4) What if some or all of the Aliens aren’t so nice? Alien abductions for example. The government would have to admit that they could not protect us or that they just let it happen.

Why do scientists avoid the whole UFO and Alien subject?
1) There is a stigma in the scientific community about anything that they consider pseudo-science. In the scientific community, reputation is everything. Once labelled as a pseudo-scientist, you will never be taken seriously again. This is part of the campaign to discredit anyone involved with UFOs as crack pots. 2) Most scientists would probably agree that life exists somewhere in our galaxy. There are more than a 100 billion stars in our galaxy and there are more than a 100 billion galaxies in our universe. There are a lot of planets out there. Some must have life. The scientists just think it would be impossible for anyone to ever get here due to the distances involved. 3) To get here from another planet, space travel would have to be much better than anything conventional rockets could provide. Einstein said that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. So far, main stream scientists cling onto that theory with their lives and reputations. I think that it is crazy arrogant to say that an Alien race that is hundreds, thousands or even millions of years older than us, could not have found another way to bypass this scientific theory.

Why have Aliens not announced themselves to the world?
1) Some would argue that they have, many times. Numerous public displays with hundreds of witnesses. 2) There is evidence of first contact type meetings with the US president and at least one Alien group. 3) We do not know the Alien agenda. Maybe they have a Star Trek type, do not interfere with limited civilizations policy.

If the Aliens are here on the earth right now, then where are they exactly?
1) Bases underground and in some mountains. 2) Bases under the ocean. 3) Dark side of the moon.

What is a USO?
A USO is an Unidentified Submerged Object. Basically, some or all UFOs can go underwater like submarines.

What is an ARV?
An ARV is an Alien Reproduction Vehicle. Basically, we have recovered some crashed UFOs over the years. The government scientists did some back engineering and have created their own flying crafts. It would be really hard to distinguish between a genuine UFO and an ARV.

What do the Aliens want?
This is tricky. There are numerous different Aliens and each could have their own agenda. Some Aliens could be benevolent and others, no so nice. Here are some thoughts on the subject. ;1) We are a science experiment that some Alien group created or they are just watching us. 2) They want something from us. DNA, resources, not sure what. 3) They want to shape and control us for some unknown purpose. 4) Keep an eye on the violent humans in case we pose a threat in the future to other civilizations.

Final Thoughts:
This is a lot of information to digest. I plan to expand each one in more depth in the near future.

The Truth about UFOs and Aliens
Posted On: May 20, 2022

After many years looking into the subject of UFOs and aliens, here is what my official take is:

Are UFOs Real?
UFOs are real. They are physical craft that are visiting the earth from somewhere else. They are most likely, beings from another planet or planets. Yes, there are multiple alien species visiting the earth.

When you speak of Aliens, what do you mean?
Could some or all aliens come from any combination of the following? Absolutely. How would we know the difference? 1) Living beings from another planet. 2) The future. 3) An alternate dimension. 4) Underground cities here on earth. Earlier than human advanced civilizations. 5) A planet or moon from our own solar system. 6) Going forward, I am just going to refer to these beings as Aliens.

What does the government know about UFOs?
The governments of all the G7 countries are in the know. They are actively lying to the public that they are supposed to serve. Since at least the 1940s, the U.S. government has gone to great lengths to hide these facts. This information is above top secret.

What things have the governments of the world done to conceal the truth about UFOs?
1) Lied to everyone. 2) Discredited people. 3) Infiltrated UFO groups. 4) Created campaigns of misinformation. 5) Hidden super advanced alien technology from the public under the guise of national security and a need to know ideology. 6) Allow alien abductions to take place. 7) Killed people as a last resort.

What is the government's plan about UFOs and the future?
The government is in a bit of a pickle over this. How do they come clean? I do not think we will ever know the full truth. The government might release some heavily sanitized version that makes them look the least culpable as possible. Here are some possible thoughts on what they might do. 1)Push a UFO off a truck somewhere and let it be found by the media. Then pretend it's a new discovery. Wow, a UFO, who knew? 2) Pretend that they have been fighting a secret war against the aliens all along. They were protecting us and had to keep it secret to avoid panic. 3) Continue the government's campaign of a trickle disclosure. Desensitize the public and then release some version of the truth with all the really bad stuff deleted. 4) The government could also just keep releasing Alien Technology, a bit at a time. Make it look like humans created it. Eventually, we would catch up to the Alien’s tech and they could keep the lie going forever. Right now the Alien Reproduction Vehicles (ARVs) are indistinguishable with Alien UFOs. How would the public know?

Why is the government hiding the truth about UFOs and Aliens with the public?
I think originally, it was about national security and to avoid public panic. Think about this, if they released the truth, what could happen? 1) Public panic. 2) Stock market crash. 3) Problems with main stream religions. Example: What if the aliens created us like a science experiment. What if the Aliens created religion to control us? In either case, main stream religions would collapse. 4) What if some or all of the Aliens aren’t so nice? Alien abductions for example. The government would have to admit that they could not protect us or that they just let it happen.

Why do scientists avoid the whole UFO and Alien subject?
1) There is a stigma in the scientific community about anything that they consider pseudo-science. In the scientific community, reputation is everything. Once labelled as a pseudo-scientist, you will never be taken seriously again. This is part of the campaign to discredit anyone involved with UFOs as crack pots. 2) Most scientists would probably agree that life exists somewhere in our galaxy. There are more than a 100 billion stars in our galaxy and there are more than a 100 billion galaxies in our universe. There are a lot of planets out there. Some must have life. The scientists just think it would be impossible for anyone to ever get here due to the distances involved. 3) To get here from another planet, space travel would have to be much better than anything conventional rockets could provide. Einstein said that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. So far, main stream scientists cling onto that theory with their lives and reputations. I think that it is crazy arrogant to say that an Alien race that is hundreds, thousands or even millions of years older than us, could not have found another way to bypass this scientific theory.

Why have Aliens not announced themselves to the world?
1) Some would argue that they have, many times. Numerous public displays with hundreds of witnesses. 2) There is evidence of first contact type meetings with the US president and at least one Alien group. 3) We do not know the Alien agenda. Maybe they have a Star Trek type, do not interfere with limited civilizations policy.

If the Aliens are here on the earth right now, then where are they exactly?
1) Bases underground and in some mountains. 2) Bases under the ocean. 3) Dark side of the moon.

What is a USO?
A USO is an Unidentified Submerged Object. Basically, some or all UFOs can go underwater like submarines.

What is an ARV?
An ARV is an Alien Reproduction Vehicle. Basically, we have recovered some crashed UFOs over the years. The government scientists did some back engineering and have created their own flying crafts. It would be really hard to distinguish between a genuine UFO and an ARV.

What do the Aliens want?
This is tricky. There are numerous different Aliens and each could have their own agenda. Some Aliens could be benevolent and others, no so nice. Here are some thoughts on the subject. ;1) We are a science experiment that some Alien group created or they are just watching us. 2) They want something from us. DNA, resources, not sure what. 3) They want to shape and control us for some unknown purpose. 4) Keep an eye on the violent humans in case we pose a threat in the future to other civilizations.

Final Thoughts:
This is a lot of information to digest. I plan to expand each one in more depth in the near future.

The Truth about UFOs and Aliens