The Truth UFOs, One Persons Opinion

The Truth UFOs, One Persons Opinion
Posted On: March 29, 2023

Consciousness is all that there is. A singular all-encompassing thing that's perpetually reaching, growing, evolving, expanding, sprouting as it forms itself into the infinite number of possible configurations.

Some of these configurations form "spaces", pockets of seemingly self-contained areas governed by all varieties of mathematical rules. Some of these mathematical constructs form into three-dimensional universes. In an infinitesimally small and yet still infinite number of these universes, biological life becomes possible.

Life as we think of it is comprised of seemingly autonomous and individual entities having unique subjective experiences, but life itself is but a materialization of the underlying substrate. Life emerges from source consciousness. As time elapses in universes that are life-conducive, biological life evolves into increasing complexity. It develops senses and specialized abilities highly attuned to the dimensions of space and time in which it finds itself existing. In some cases these biological entities evolve complex internal organs, such as brains, that give them a sense of self and individuality. This awareness is powered by, made of, spawned out of, source consciousness. These organs are like antennae, allowing for concentrated configurations of source consciousness in a three-dimensional space-time.

Their memories are confined to the existence of their perceptive organs. They have little knowledge of the infinite complexity existing and perpetually expanding and changing outside of the confines of their own reality. Humans are one such species that has emerged. By tweaking these organs through the use of things like intense meditation or by modifying their chemistry with psychedelic drugs humans are sometimes able to alter their ability to experience source consciousness more directly, which can include other realities and dimensions. These experiences frequently entail feelings of pure unconditional love and knowing related to the true nature of reality and connectedness of all things. Dreams too are ventures into these other realms. It's as if consciousness is teaching itself, through the part that's temporarily convinced itself that it's a separate physical being, about itself. It's consciousness revealing its true nature back to itself. When the mind refocuses on physical reality it's very difficult to recall these experiences and visions given the sheer unfamiliarity to anything resembling day to day life experiences.

An experiencer of individuality logically would desire pleasurable experiences over unpleasurable ones. Thus, they try to behave in a manner that attracts these types of experiences to them. They are kind to others because they want others to be kind to them, and have empathy for the experience of others as well. This is the only real motivation to live a "good" life. There's no punishment in the afterlife for hurting others, there's no reward for doing well. There is only experience, and it is what you make it while in this reality. Human physical death is not the end. However, the type of experience that comes after physical incarnation is different in ways that are very difficult to describe or comprehend.

The death experience is effectively just a re-integration. It is the small part of source consciousness that has focused itself into constructed three dimensional space and formed an illusory sense of individuality subsequently unfocusing and merging back with the source from which it came. The drop of water returns to the ocean.

Ghosts too are real, as energetic imprints may be left on the fabric of space-time that persist into both the future and past. There are conscious forces guiding life in physical reality and it is sometimes possible to communicate with them through channeling or other means.

Human scientists will soon confirm the von Neumann-Wigner hypothesis that a sense of self-identity and conscious awareness is a necessary constituent in the construction of material reality. Biological and self-aware entities are necessary in order to collapse the wave-function of quantum possibility into actual physical things. Universes that are unable to sustain biological life therefore do not materialize. Only universes that can and do support observers, entities with conscious awareness (self-identify), are able to fully form.

Source consciousness exists as a pure and infinite energy potential beyond the confines of what we would consider time. It exists NOW. This one singular instant that has always and will always exist. It can and does morph and expand infinitely into every possible configuration instantaneously. It exists as infinite potential and the only thing it can and must do is expand and grow. There are many different layers and levels that source consciousness configures itself into. In order to facilitate this operation it sometimes manipulates memory within segments of itself, as evoking a forgetting of its true origins allows for an even greater breadth of conscious experience.

In this particular universal space-time bubble, and here on Earth, there are some interesting things happening that most people aren't being told. The evolution of humanity on Earth did not happen naturally. Life on Earth has been seeded and repeatedly genetically manipulated by entities that originated elsewhere. There are many different biological species that have interjected in the evolution of life on Earth, and Earth is not unique in this regard. Not all of these groups have origins from within this universe or even from within realms of existence that we would call physical. Some of them use physically materialized avatars that they inject consciousness into so that they may manipulate this three dimensional space-time more directly since they themselves do not naturally reside in physical space-time.

The various groups have very different types of technologies, genetics, and worldviews. Not all have pure intentions. Even within a given group there may sometimes be rogue actors. However, in general these groups are all working towards a common objective. That objective is the evolution of consciousness. They act in service of enabling new types of experience and perception to emerge so as to further enable a greater depth and breadth of experience. Source consciousness seeks to expand and grow.

These groups are generally acting in service of said expansion, but with a particular emphasis on love and unity. In a way, consciousness seeks to re-understand its true origin by merging with itself and creating all types of new and different experiences and learning. We are all one. We are all the same one connected thing that is source consciousness.

These groups periodically perform seeding and genetic enhancements on the native species in order to steer it in the desired direction. This is ongoing. Humanity on Earth has communication with various groups of these beings. They commonly interact with specific people or small groups in order to further their own research and objectives, most often genetic in nature as they combine DNA from different species to create new and interesting types of entities with new types of conscious perception and abilities.

The groups interacting with humanity are generally highly advanced both in terms of technology and consciousness. They communicate and control their crafts telepathically. Their technology has the ability to warp space-time and to use wormholes to travel immense distances in very short periods of time from our perspective. They have the ability to manipulate memory and perception. During encounters with humans they will often cloak themselves in order to appear to the observer as a more familiar entity, such as a werewolf, fairy, or angel, but most often attempt to erase the memory of the encounter altogether.

These groups have been in contact with humanity since the beginning; they are in fact our creators, and we are as much a part of them as they are a part of us. Throughout our evolution they have been in contact with societal leaders, at times more or less directly and obviously. We have at times considered them as gods, and they have actively worked to generate various religions in order to steer human society. They have also given us technology.

In prior cycles of human civilization these entities were in direct contact with societal leaders and have assisted us in developing new technologies and helping to protect us from harm, though there are limits to this ability. They help facilitate our evolution but prefer to stay hidden. They love to watch us evolve.

There have been many cycles of humanity in which great societies rose and fell. The last cycle ended with a major flood that disrupted global civilization roughly twelve thousand years ago. They assisted with the resurgence of modern civilization. Prior cycles of civilization on Earth have included varieties of humans that were much more spiritually advanced than we are currently. They had technologies that we no longer possess, such as the ability to manipulate and soften stone. There have been civilizations that included giants, and those with the ability to live much longer than we do today. There have also been highly intelligent non-human species that have evolved on Earth in prior cycles. Some of them are still around, living underground and in the world's oceans. They also have the ability to exist in and traverse other planes of reality than the physical one we most commonly find ourselves in here. They can phase in and out of this physical space-time using consciousness-oriented technology.

Various groups continue to be in contact with humanity. In recent times the US government has been at the center of this contact. The US government has been in contact with some of these groups since before Roswell, though our advancement into nuclear technology certainly sparked greater attention and increased the frequency of their visits. This ignited a realization within the government that reports of visitation were real and had to be taken much more seriously. Government officials wanted to be seen as in control.

At the time, and with the best of intentions, a decision was made to hide this information from the public. It must be considered that this was during a time of war and fear. There was a concern of societal collapse if the information were to be released, and there was good reason to believe so. Elements within the US government, specifically the Air Force and CIA, have since gone to extreme lengths to hide, obscure, confuse, and obfuscate this information. This has included either colluding with or pressuring other world governments, and has in many cases included the assassination of individuals who threatened to expose the truth.

The US government has invested immense resources in reverse-engineering non-human craft technology, and while progress has been very slow they have had a lot of success. They have developed the ability to warp space-time and travel immense distances almost instantaneously using crafts that are controlled telepathically. There are nonetheless many aspects of this technology that participants within these programs still do not understand. They have possession of non-human bodies and have active contact with non-human entities.

Decades ago these programs were transitioned to existing largely within private industry and special access programs (SAPs) that allow them to be shielded from scrutiny even within the government while still receiving significant funding. There are very few people who are given access to this information and even those who are read-in are usually done so in a very compartmentalized manner; they are not shown the full picture. Even presidents are usually not informed.

However, even these individuals who are in the know do not know the full truth. They are fed information that is sometimes conflicting and confusing and at times outright false. They struggle to understand the true scope of what they are dealing with.

There are informed human individuals within the US government that want to release the truth more broadly. They face immense pressure from others to not do so who are worried that release of this information will lead to societal collapse and even nuclear fallout. Often these fears have religious origins as well. They've also backed themselves into a very tough position in which they've been lying to the public for so long that it is now very difficult to come forth and admit the extent of these lies while maintaining some degree of credibility. They are also very reluctant to admit that we are not the dominant force in the universe, or even on this planet. The world is ready to know.

Nefarious components within world governments continue to collude and conspire to keep this information hidden. They deploy tactics and use the media to keep the populace focused on things like nationalism, religion, gender, and race. They pretend that these are the most pressing issues that we face as a species. It is now time to evolve past the secrecy and to invite a more candid global perspective.

Post from user Ok-Doughnut9813 at ufo at reddit..


I think you are closer to the truth than even I was going into this post.

Ive had personal experiences with beings that can do things akin to magic. Extremely clear cloud formations, a single cloud that disappeared in 10 secs it took my friend to walk to the end of the garage, a shooting star while asking for a sign, a shadow entity shaped as a human. Things that materialistic beings shouldnt be able to do but perhaps an ascended master could. I would like to think it is divinity that I am interacting with, but I do not know for certain.

I appreciate the effort and you should put this in r - spirituality, r - awakened, r - Experiencers or even r - HighStrangeness. Here in this sub, you wont get the traction you would with redditors that have personal experience with what you are talking about.

Peace, Love and Light.

Comment from user Broges0311 at ufo at reddit..

The Truth UFOs, One Persons Opinion
Posted On: March 29, 2023

Consciousness is all that there is. A singular all-encompassing thing that's perpetually reaching, growing, evolving, expanding, sprouting as it forms itself into the infinite number of possible configurations.

Some of these configurations form "spaces", pockets of seemingly self-contained areas governed by all varieties of mathematical rules. Some of these mathematical constructs form into three-dimensional universes. In an infinitesimally small and yet still infinite number of these universes, biological life becomes possible.

Life as we think of it is comprised of seemingly autonomous and individual entities having unique subjective experiences, but life itself is but a materialization of the underlying substrate. Life emerges from source consciousness. As time elapses in universes that are life-conducive, biological life evolves into increasing complexity. It develops senses and specialized abilities highly attuned to the dimensions of space and time in which it finds itself existing. In some cases these biological entities evolve complex internal organs, such as brains, that give them a sense of self and individuality. This awareness is powered by, made of, spawned out of, source consciousness. These organs are like antennae, allowing for concentrated configurations of source consciousness in a three-dimensional space-time.

Their memories are confined to the existence of their perceptive organs. They have little knowledge of the infinite complexity existing and perpetually expanding and changing outside of the confines of their own reality. Humans are one such species that has emerged. By tweaking these organs through the use of things like intense meditation or by modifying their chemistry with psychedelic drugs humans are sometimes able to alter their ability to experience source consciousness more directly, which can include other realities and dimensions. These experiences frequently entail feelings of pure unconditional love and knowing related to the true nature of reality and connectedness of all things. Dreams too are ventures into these other realms. It's as if consciousness is teaching itself, through the part that's temporarily convinced itself that it's a separate physical being, about itself. It's consciousness revealing its true nature back to itself. When the mind refocuses on physical reality it's very difficult to recall these experiences and visions given the sheer unfamiliarity to anything resembling day to day life experiences.

An experiencer of individuality logically would desire pleasurable experiences over unpleasurable ones. Thus, they try to behave in a manner that attracts these types of experiences to them. They are kind to others because they want others to be kind to them, and have empathy for the experience of others as well. This is the only real motivation to live a "good" life. There's no punishment in the afterlife for hurting others, there's no reward for doing well. There is only experience, and it is what you make it while in this reality. Human physical death is not the end. However, the type of experience that comes after physical incarnation is different in ways that are very difficult to describe or comprehend.

The death experience is effectively just a re-integration. It is the small part of source consciousness that has focused itself into constructed three dimensional space and formed an illusory sense of individuality subsequently unfocusing and merging back with the source from which it came. The drop of water returns to the ocean.

Ghosts too are real, as energetic imprints may be left on the fabric of space-time that persist into both the future and past. There are conscious forces guiding life in physical reality and it is sometimes possible to communicate with them through channeling or other means.

Human scientists will soon confirm the von Neumann-Wigner hypothesis that a sense of self-identity and conscious awareness is a necessary constituent in the construction of material reality. Biological and self-aware entities are necessary in order to collapse the wave-function of quantum possibility into actual physical things. Universes that are unable to sustain biological life therefore do not materialize. Only universes that can and do support observers, entities with conscious awareness (self-identify), are able to fully form.

Source consciousness exists as a pure and infinite energy potential beyond the confines of what we would consider time. It exists NOW. This one singular instant that has always and will always exist. It can and does morph and expand infinitely into every possible configuration instantaneously. It exists as infinite potential and the only thing it can and must do is expand and grow. There are many different layers and levels that source consciousness configures itself into. In order to facilitate this operation it sometimes manipulates memory within segments of itself, as evoking a forgetting of its true origins allows for an even greater breadth of conscious experience.

In this particular universal space-time bubble, and here on Earth, there are some interesting things happening that most people aren't being told. The evolution of humanity on Earth did not happen naturally. Life on Earth has been seeded and repeatedly genetically manipulated by entities that originated elsewhere. There are many different biological species that have interjected in the evolution of life on Earth, and Earth is not unique in this regard. Not all of these groups have origins from within this universe or even from within realms of existence that we would call physical. Some of them use physically materialized avatars that they inject consciousness into so that they may manipulate this three dimensional space-time more directly since they themselves do not naturally reside in physical space-time.

The various groups have very different types of technologies, genetics, and worldviews. Not all have pure intentions. Even within a given group there may sometimes be rogue actors. However, in general these groups are all working towards a common objective. That objective is the evolution of consciousness. They act in service of enabling new types of experience and perception to emerge so as to further enable a greater depth and breadth of experience. Source consciousness seeks to expand and grow.

These groups are generally acting in service of said expansion, but with a particular emphasis on love and unity. In a way, consciousness seeks to re-understand its true origin by merging with itself and creating all types of new and different experiences and learning. We are all one. We are all the same one connected thing that is source consciousness.

These groups periodically perform seeding and genetic enhancements on the native species in order to steer it in the desired direction. This is ongoing. Humanity on Earth has communication with various groups of these beings. They commonly interact with specific people or small groups in order to further their own research and objectives, most often genetic in nature as they combine DNA from different species to create new and interesting types of entities with new types of conscious perception and abilities.

The groups interacting with humanity are generally highly advanced both in terms of technology and consciousness. They communicate and control their crafts telepathically. Their technology has the ability to warp space-time and to use wormholes to travel immense distances in very short periods of time from our perspective. They have the ability to manipulate memory and perception. During encounters with humans they will often cloak themselves in order to appear to the observer as a more familiar entity, such as a werewolf, fairy, or angel, but most often attempt to erase the memory of the encounter altogether.

These groups have been in contact with humanity since the beginning; they are in fact our creators, and we are as much a part of them as they are a part of us. Throughout our evolution they have been in contact with societal leaders, at times more or less directly and obviously. We have at times considered them as gods, and they have actively worked to generate various religions in order to steer human society. They have also given us technology.

In prior cycles of human civilization these entities were in direct contact with societal leaders and have assisted us in developing new technologies and helping to protect us from harm, though there are limits to this ability. They help facilitate our evolution but prefer to stay hidden. They love to watch us evolve.

There have been many cycles of humanity in which great societies rose and fell. The last cycle ended with a major flood that disrupted global civilization roughly twelve thousand years ago. They assisted with the resurgence of modern civilization. Prior cycles of civilization on Earth have included varieties of humans that were much more spiritually advanced than we are currently. They had technologies that we no longer possess, such as the ability to manipulate and soften stone. There have been civilizations that included giants, and those with the ability to live much longer than we do today. There have also been highly intelligent non-human species that have evolved on Earth in prior cycles. Some of them are still around, living underground and in the world's oceans. They also have the ability to exist in and traverse other planes of reality than the physical one we most commonly find ourselves in here. They can phase in and out of this physical space-time using consciousness-oriented technology.

Various groups continue to be in contact with humanity. In recent times the US government has been at the center of this contact. The US government has been in contact with some of these groups since before Roswell, though our advancement into nuclear technology certainly sparked greater attention and increased the frequency of their visits. This ignited a realization within the government that reports of visitation were real and had to be taken much more seriously. Government officials wanted to be seen as in control.

At the time, and with the best of intentions, a decision was made to hide this information from the public. It must be considered that this was during a time of war and fear. There was a concern of societal collapse if the information were to be released, and there was good reason to believe so. Elements within the US government, specifically the Air Force and CIA, have since gone to extreme lengths to hide, obscure, confuse, and obfuscate this information. This has included either colluding with or pressuring other world governments, and has in many cases included the assassination of individuals who threatened to expose the truth.

The US government has invested immense resources in reverse-engineering non-human craft technology, and while progress has been very slow they have had a lot of success. They have developed the ability to warp space-time and travel immense distances almost instantaneously using crafts that are controlled telepathically. There are nonetheless many aspects of this technology that participants within these programs still do not understand. They have possession of non-human bodies and have active contact with non-human entities.

Decades ago these programs were transitioned to existing largely within private industry and special access programs (SAPs) that allow them to be shielded from scrutiny even within the government while still receiving significant funding. There are very few people who are given access to this information and even those who are read-in are usually done so in a very compartmentalized manner; they are not shown the full picture. Even presidents are usually not informed.

However, even these individuals who are in the know do not know the full truth. They are fed information that is sometimes conflicting and confusing and at times outright false. They struggle to understand the true scope of what they are dealing with.

There are informed human individuals within the US government that want to release the truth more broadly. They face immense pressure from others to not do so who are worried that release of this information will lead to societal collapse and even nuclear fallout. Often these fears have religious origins as well. They've also backed themselves into a very tough position in which they've been lying to the public for so long that it is now very difficult to come forth and admit the extent of these lies while maintaining some degree of credibility. They are also very reluctant to admit that we are not the dominant force in the universe, or even on this planet. The world is ready to know.

Nefarious components within world governments continue to collude and conspire to keep this information hidden. They deploy tactics and use the media to keep the populace focused on things like nationalism, religion, gender, and race. They pretend that these are the most pressing issues that we face as a species. It is now time to evolve past the secrecy and to invite a more candid global perspective.

Post from user Ok-Doughnut9813 at ufo at reddit..


I think you are closer to the truth than even I was going into this post.

Ive had personal experiences with beings that can do things akin to magic. Extremely clear cloud formations, a single cloud that disappeared in 10 secs it took my friend to walk to the end of the garage, a shooting star while asking for a sign, a shadow entity shaped as a human. Things that materialistic beings shouldnt be able to do but perhaps an ascended master could. I would like to think it is divinity that I am interacting with, but I do not know for certain.

I appreciate the effort and you should put this in r - spirituality, r - awakened, r - Experiencers or even r - HighStrangeness. Here in this sub, you wont get the traction you would with redditors that have personal experience with what you are talking about.

Peace, Love and Light.

Comment from user Broges0311 at ufo at reddit..

The Truth UFOs, One Persons Opinion