UFO Perception Bias

UFO Perception Bias
Posted On: April 3, 2023

A cognitive bias is a systematic pattern of deviation from norm or rationality in judgment - basically meaning, individuals create their own "subjective reality" from their perception of whatever input based on their own experiences and perceptual biases - i.e - pre-existant belief systems.

An individual's construction of reality, not the objective input itself, may dictate their behavior and reaction to certain subjects in the world - thus, cognitive biases may sometimes lead to perceptual distortion, inaccurate judgment, illogical interpretation, or what is broadly called irrationalional.

There's no one side of the topic concerning the UFO Phenonona being righter than the other here: if you have a tendancy to view the Phenomena through the lens of mysticism and mystical belief - that's how you view the subject.

Conversely, if you view the Phenomena from a skeptical view point to begin with - you're going to dismiss more mystical "woo" sounding ideas and seek explination outside that framework rather than assume a mystical or "woo" sounding solution.

The question is - is the UFO Phenomena itself either mystical or particularly empirically itself or, does it appear the way it does to us simply because we litterally force it to appear, one way or the other to our predetermined expectation.?

I'm not talking about the Phenomena itself in some way magically reading our minds and appearing however it does to the individual to either satisfy expectation or else obfuscate it's actual nature - I'm talking about the way we choose to look at the subject influencing how we percieve and respond it.

Do you think it likely the UFO Phenomena is litterally how you personally see it as being or, is it possible all you're actually seeing is whatever pre-existant ideas, concepts and expectations you yourself project upon it.?

Post from user G-M-Dark at UFOs at reddit..


100% it does, look at that recently posted video where some YouTubers tricked this community. People who were calling out obvious problems were seen as “the problem”.

Comment from user Tdogshow at UFOs at reddit..

UFO Perception Bias
Posted On: April 3, 2023

A cognitive bias is a systematic pattern of deviation from norm or rationality in judgment - basically meaning, individuals create their own "subjective reality" from their perception of whatever input based on their own experiences and perceptual biases - i.e - pre-existant belief systems.

An individual's construction of reality, not the objective input itself, may dictate their behavior and reaction to certain subjects in the world - thus, cognitive biases may sometimes lead to perceptual distortion, inaccurate judgment, illogical interpretation, or what is broadly called irrationalional.

There's no one side of the topic concerning the UFO Phenonona being righter than the other here: if you have a tendancy to view the Phenomena through the lens of mysticism and mystical belief - that's how you view the subject.

Conversely, if you view the Phenomena from a skeptical view point to begin with - you're going to dismiss more mystical "woo" sounding ideas and seek explination outside that framework rather than assume a mystical or "woo" sounding solution.

The question is - is the UFO Phenomena itself either mystical or particularly empirically itself or, does it appear the way it does to us simply because we litterally force it to appear, one way or the other to our predetermined expectation.?

I'm not talking about the Phenomena itself in some way magically reading our minds and appearing however it does to the individual to either satisfy expectation or else obfuscate it's actual nature - I'm talking about the way we choose to look at the subject influencing how we percieve and respond it.

Do you think it likely the UFO Phenomena is litterally how you personally see it as being or, is it possible all you're actually seeing is whatever pre-existant ideas, concepts and expectations you yourself project upon it.?

Post from user G-M-Dark at UFOs at reddit..


100% it does, look at that recently posted video where some YouTubers tricked this community. People who were calling out obvious problems were seen as “the problem”.

Comment from user Tdogshow at UFOs at reddit..

UFO Perception Bias