UFO Rabbit Hole

UFO Rabbit Hole
Posted On: September 9, 2023

How I went from believing in nothing to being at the bottom of a rabbit hole.

A guide for others.

Level 1, You've seen some news reports and You've heard UFOs are now called UAP.

You don't know much but hey, wouldn't that be cool if true!.

Level 2, You've watched a few shows and heard some testimony,

You've seen the gimbal, go fast, and you now think there has to be something to this for the government to come out and acknowledge that they exist.

You now tell yourself this is worth looking into.

Down the rabbit hole we shall go! Weeeee!.

Level 3, You are now a 100% believer.

UAP's are real.

You've seen every video you can get you grubby little hand in.

You've watched the congressional hearing and you know all the big players by name.

George Knapp, Louis Elezondo, Leslie Cain, David Frayver, Tom Delong, Ross Colthart, Dr. Kirkpatrick, and at this point you know of but probably dont like Steven Greer, Jeremy Corbell, and Bob Lazar.

You daily look for more information.

Level 4, Some time has gone by now with you believing in UAP.

A new thought creeps in though. who's flying these craft.

Now your looking into if these are drones or probes OR if they are being intelligently controlled by a NHI.

You come to the conclusion that regardless if they are probes or occupied YES aliens must exist and they must even have factories on some other world where they make these craft so it's not just Aliens there must be entire civilizations of other beings.

Level 5, It's High Strangness Time.

UFOs?, real. 

Aliens?, real. 

What's with all the wierd stuff though.

Shifting mediums, going through space, air, and water, FTL travel, cattle mutilations, skinwalker ranch, CE5, do they really abtuct humans??? oh crap are Big foots related to this too!.

You're deep into the hole now my friend!.

Post from user ARCreef at at reddit.


Level 6, The aliens were the friends we made along the way.

Comment from user deathandtechno at at reddit.

UFO Rabbit Hole
Posted On: September 9, 2023

How I went from believing in nothing to being at the bottom of a rabbit hole.

A guide for others.

Level 1, You've seen some news reports and You've heard UFOs are now called UAP.

You don't know much but hey, wouldn't that be cool if true!.

Level 2, You've watched a few shows and heard some testimony,

You've seen the gimbal, go fast, and you now think there has to be something to this for the government to come out and acknowledge that they exist.

You now tell yourself this is worth looking into.

Down the rabbit hole we shall go! Weeeee!.

Level 3, You are now a 100% believer.

UAP's are real.

You've seen every video you can get you grubby little hand in.

You've watched the congressional hearing and you know all the big players by name.

George Knapp, Louis Elezondo, Leslie Cain, David Frayver, Tom Delong, Ross Colthart, Dr. Kirkpatrick, and at this point you know of but probably dont like Steven Greer, Jeremy Corbell, and Bob Lazar.

You daily look for more information.

Level 4, Some time has gone by now with you believing in UAP.

A new thought creeps in though. who's flying these craft.

Now your looking into if these are drones or probes OR if they are being intelligently controlled by a NHI.

You come to the conclusion that regardless if they are probes or occupied YES aliens must exist and they must even have factories on some other world where they make these craft so it's not just Aliens there must be entire civilizations of other beings.

Level 5, It's High Strangness Time.

UFOs?, real. 

Aliens?, real. 

What's with all the wierd stuff though.

Shifting mediums, going through space, air, and water, FTL travel, cattle mutilations, skinwalker ranch, CE5, do they really abtuct humans??? oh crap are Big foots related to this too!.

You're deep into the hole now my friend!.

Post from user ARCreef at at reddit.


Level 6, The aliens were the friends we made along the way.

Comment from user deathandtechno at at reddit.

UFO Rabbit Hole